issue with iPhone4 on my new game
My new game Alpha Sniper! is having issues with images not showing up on an iPhone 4.
I really do not know how or why this is happening any input would be awesome, so I can resolve this issue.
If anyone has an iPhone4 and other idevices please feel free to download my game if it will help with resolution of the issue. it is currently free on the app store.
I had tested the game on an 3gs and it works just fine idk what the issue is.
I really do not know how or why this is happening any input would be awesome, so I can resolve this issue.
If anyone has an iPhone4 and other idevices please feel free to download my game if it will help with resolution of the issue. it is currently free on the app store.
I had tested the game on an 3gs and it works just fine idk what the issue is.
If during development you had an instance where gamesalad crashed and all your images disappeared then that is the problem. You need to right click your GS project file and click show contents. then go to the images folder and delete all images.
Then open the project file in GS and delete the images from within GS. Then reimport all your images. This should fix it, at least it did for me. It helps if you have all the images you have used in one location, then you can just import the folders contents.
*** Before trying this, make sure you make a copy of the GS project file, just as a backup! *****
I'll try that out tonight and see if it works
Thanks for the tip!!
With the iPhone simulator on the Mac, how do I set it to use iPhone4? I know I can choose iPhone simulator 4.1, but I dont think this is the same as setting it to use iPhone4.
Any help would be awesome!