【ツ】GS Demo【ツ】 App Rating System
Hi everybody!
I don't know if I'm allowed to post this, if not please take it down.
I made the App Rating system showed in one of the videos that were on the 9.3 announcement. I done exactly as the video showed so it should be an exact copy.
The only real difference is with the link I used. Mine don't redirect to safari then iTunes then App Store, but is a direct link.
Heres the GS link:
Here's a link to directly download it, I included the popup .psd file so you can edit it and personalize it:
【ツ】iPhone Icon Pack 【ツ】 - 【ツ】Graphic Pack【ツ】
Free high score demo simple and advanced.
Game Center demo.
I don't know if I'm allowed to post this, if not please take it down.
I made the App Rating system showed in one of the videos that were on the 9.3 announcement. I done exactly as the video showed so it should be an exact copy.
The only real difference is with the link I used. Mine don't redirect to safari then iTunes then App Store, but is a direct link.
Heres the GS link:
Here's a link to directly download it, I included the popup .psd file so you can edit it and personalize it:
【ツ】iPhone Icon Pack 【ツ】 - 【ツ】Graphic Pack【ツ】
Free high score demo simple and advanced.
Game Center demo.
Amazing, Will try it now!
For those who PMed me that had problem with this project:
1) This is intended for pro users because it use the Link behavior.
2) The link will work only on devices (with the viewer or with an adhoc) not using the preview.
【ツ】iPhone Icon Pack 【ツ】 - 【ツ】Graphic Pack【ツ】
Free GS demo: High score simple and advanced; Game Center; App Rating System
Dont get me wrong, im not trying to improve your work, its something that I notice...
Thanks for your demo...
I updated the web version and the .zip file with this little bug fix.
【ツ】iPhone Icon Pack 【ツ】 - 【ツ】Graphic Pack【ツ】
Free GS demo: High score simple and advanced; Game Center; App Rating System
Thanks for the Temps mate... But just so you know when you ask for one of my organs i'll still say no xD lol
Thanks mate, bless ya.
【ツ】iPhone Icon Pack 【ツ】 - 【ツ】Graphic Pack【ツ】
Free GS demo: High score simple and advanced; Game Center; App Rating System
With new perspectives? I like!
What's brought on the generosity? : )