Problem - can't see the preview after pushing play button - error script occurs

jarkojarko Member Posts: 2
edited June 2012 in Working with GS (PC)
Beta windows version - windows 7

After pressing play button i can see only an error:
An error has occurred in the script on this page.
... ...

How can i fix this ?
Thanks for a reply.

Best Answer


  • wapeyewapeye Member Posts: 6
    Having the exact same problem. I'm on Vista 32 Home Premium SP1, if that helps.
  • goofydamangoofydaman Member Posts: 17
    @wapeye, I am having the same Issue. My OS is Windows 7 home
  • wapeyewapeye Member Posts: 6
    I've requested the GS team to put IE9 as a sys requirement or a workaround in the win creator FAQ
    Thanks goofydaman:)
  • ccasbrugmanccasbrugman Member Posts: 2
    have exactly the same problem
    windows 7 ultimate 64 bit
    I get nothing can someone help?
  • mdgeist99mdgeist99 Member Posts: 1
    Going to IE9 worked for me as well....but I want to know what it is about IE9 that makes it work. It's not like I'm previewing the game in IE9 so there must be something in the inner workings of the program that is getting installed that fixes it. Is it some sort of .dll? some sort of codex? I'd like to know exactly what that is. Installing IE9 should not be the only way to fix this.
  • Upgrade to IE9 didn't help in my case...
    The trick was to set IE to Work Off-line, after that I was able to use the Preview button.
  • unbeatenpixelunbeatenpixel Game Developer Member, PRO Posts: 568
    edited February 2014
    I used win7 and ie11 but i can't use preview button.

    I fixed it.

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  • liux2355liux2355 Member, BASIC Posts: 33

    @onelasttime said:
    I used win7 and ie11 but i can't use preview button.

    I fixed it.

    How do you fix it? I'm having the same problem even when I have the lastest version of IE.

    Go Download "Sub Run" in App Store.

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