Not sure, but if you choose commercial I know you need to verify yourself with some sort of ID, like your passport. For payments you can use PayPal. You need to apply for commercial seller status if you want to be able to charge for your apps.
I had a nightmare last night regarding fame, lol. Right before going to sleep, I was thinking about whether to have my real name displayed in my Tizen account. I then get a dream where some game I made became really popular, but because I left my name on it, people found where I lived and people from all over the world where just arriving in the neighborhood. I can't remember too many details other than in the middle part I found out about the game being viral and people arriving from nowhere. I still remember the last parts of the dream sorta well, I'm running away from people who look like their from different parts of the world, I could hear them shouting questions about the game and some are holding small devices or boxes. Next thing I know I'm climbing something to escape and I look down and see all the people gathering at the bottom, I could see that some were reporters, I hear lots of questions being ask and shouted.
I was truly terrified in the dream, I don't think I felt terrified in a dream in the past 4 years, and I still have dreams that can be listed as nightmares, but I'm having fun in due to my lack of fear towards monsters or weird situations. This dream just filled me with dread. I guess this must be what happened to the flappy bird guy. He probably had people approaching him on the streets and tons of media/reporters knocking at his door and having his phone wring 24/7 and people from different parts of the world knowing where he lives.
@Dues Oh, so private sellers only sell free games, I wonder if when ads for Tizen are supported, if private sellers will be able to implement them or any form of monetization is only possible through the corporate account.
Also, can you have both a private and corporate account at the same time on Tizen?
I was truly terrified in the dream, I don't think I felt terrified in a dream in the past 4 years, and I still have dreams that can be listed as nightmares, but I'm having fun in due to my lack of fear towards monsters or weird situations. This dream just filled me with dread. I guess this must be what happened to the flappy bird guy. He probably had people approaching him on the streets and tons of media/reporters knocking at his door and having his phone wring 24/7 and people from different parts of the world knowing where he lives.
@jesse75 I see. Thank you for the info.
@Dues Oh, so private sellers only sell free games, I wonder if when ads for Tizen are supported, if private sellers will be able to implement them or any form of monetization is only possible through the corporate account.
Also, can you have both a private and corporate account at the same time on Tizen?