How to make your actor follow you
So im making a basic shooting game and i want zombies to follow me
Im new to gamesalad so if you could help me with that and If the zombies touch you you die and have 3 lifes thanks
Im new to gamesalad so if you could help me with that and If the zombies touch you you die and have 3 lifes thanks
@rdlew2008 Hey bro I did what you said and it worked! But when I use the accelerate towards rule it goes to the main actor but it goes like over him then comes back and then does it all over again? How could I just get him to go towards him and follow him like how a real zombie would?
A zombie game with gamesalad? cool... can't wait to see it...You doing like a story mode or a endless survival? Now when you say they go over him you mean they touch/collide with him? you should make a rule saying when actor(Zombie) touch/collides with actor(Human) do play a say attack animation or something while changing zombies motion to 0. If possible. Im just throwing out
Wait you used the Accelerate towards? Try the Move To... That might fix it...
@Speedy007 Ya I forgot to put that! Thanks bro worked perfectly
@Speedy007 its story
Ill post on here so people can check it out
Cool...Can't wait