Trial for game with inap purchase
Is it possible to have a full version of your game available for a trial period i.e. for a few days or after a 3 tries of the games etc on Apple and Amazon, at the end of the trial a prompt appears to purchase the game or the game is locked down in sections?
Currently I have a free and pro version of children's apps. Each app has 6 mini games, a story, messages and virtual animal and a dress up.
I am finding that if I offer a less in the free version such as part of the dress up, one game, ads etc. , it does not increase sales to the pro. Currently I don't have in app purchases, just a link to the store where the pro version is.
Any thoughts on the best way to progress and guidance on how to do it would be greatly appreciated.
Such as video tutorials, templates etc.
Nat Clarke
Life Cleansing
Best to use a IAP a system. Provide free levels or features and have the others unlock after purchase. You can access the date of a device as well and use that. Use a single change attribute at first scene and save it then have a rule that once the value is > 0 stop that change. Then make another that samples the current date. Once your origin date exceeds the value of your number of days lockout the button that allows going into the gameplay. Be sure to add a pop up that executes when that button is pressed alerting the user to the trial being over and linking them to your IAP scene to purchase the app. Make sure you add that override code to your date rules.
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Thanks. Much Appreciated.
Would it be better to allocate a number of game plays and then lock it down, rather that the number of days? Would that be easier to set up?
I still am not really sure on what to do.Is there a video tutorial on this or a template?
Nat Clarke
Life Cleansing