Announcing the Macworld 2010 GameSalad Challenge!

Ladies and gentlemen, start your game engines!
From December 21, 2009 through January 25, 2010, Gendai Games and Macworld 2010 are teaming up to host "Macworld 2010 GameSalad Challenge." Individuals and teams will compete to create the most innovative, creative, and fun video games for the Mac and iPhone. Finalists will receive a Macworld 2010 Platinum Pass, with a chance to win a GameSalad Pro membership and an Apple iPod Touch.
Have an awesome game idea you'd like to show the world? Here's what to do:
- Create your game using GameSalad Creator for Mac (
- Upload your game to the web by clicking the orange "Publish" button in GameSalad.
- Log in to, visit your game's page, and press the new "Macworld 2010 GameSalad Challenge - Submit Game" button in the top right corner.
On January 29th, we'll notify the five Finalists and post their games to the GameSalad main page where the general public can vote on their favorite. These five games will also be presented live at Macworld 2010, where a panel of judges will demo and critique each game. On February 13 we'll announce the winner, determined 50% by the public vote and 50% by the judges, at an awards presentation on the Macworld 2010 expo floor.
We look forward to playing all the innovative, creative and fun games that you come up with!
Learn more here:
RSVP to our Facebook event:
From December 21, 2009 through January 25, 2010, Gendai Games and Macworld 2010 are teaming up to host "Macworld 2010 GameSalad Challenge." Individuals and teams will compete to create the most innovative, creative, and fun video games for the Mac and iPhone. Finalists will receive a Macworld 2010 Platinum Pass, with a chance to win a GameSalad Pro membership and an Apple iPod Touch.
Have an awesome game idea you'd like to show the world? Here's what to do:
- Create your game using GameSalad Creator for Mac (
- Upload your game to the web by clicking the orange "Publish" button in GameSalad.
- Log in to, visit your game's page, and press the new "Macworld 2010 GameSalad Challenge - Submit Game" button in the top right corner.
On January 29th, we'll notify the five Finalists and post their games to the GameSalad main page where the general public can vote on their favorite. These five games will also be presented live at Macworld 2010, where a panel of judges will demo and critique each game. On February 13 we'll announce the winner, determined 50% by the public vote and 50% by the judges, at an awards presentation on the Macworld 2010 expo floor.
We look forward to playing all the innovative, creative and fun games that you come up with!
Learn more here:
RSVP to our Facebook event:
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Can the game that you submit already be in the App Store, or does it matter either way?
I would think it would be best to create a "new" game and then submit it to the app store once the contest is over right?
No, pre-existing games are not accepted for this contest -- we're looking for all-new, original games. We know you can do a lot with GameSalad in a month...
Can we compete in teams?
Is there an age restriction?
we know... we know...
you upload the game to the site, sign in, and a button will appear where the ad usually is that will allow you to submit your game.
You can compete in teams, though you will have to figure out how to divvy up the prizes.
Age restrictions is a minimum of 18 years of age and whatever the age of majority is in your state (e.g. whenever your state considers you an adult).
I imagine it'd be expensive to get to MacWorld... unless we swim...
Dr. Sam Beckett never returned home...
The person submitting the game is entering into a legal agreement, and must meet the age qualification. However that person does not necessarily have to be the game's creator; he or she could be one member of a team, or a representative such as a parent. Of course, any prizes would be awarded to that person as well.
Sorry, no -- the contest is open only to U.S. residents.
I started the real artwork today
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Please clarify this part of the regulations of the contest. Thanks.
You don't need to personally draw every image, record every sound, and compose every note of music in your game. But you do need to have the right/license to use all of those assets in your game. Simply put, everything in your game must be there legally.
Some examples:
- You could create your own art from scratch.
- You could hire an artist to create additional art for your game.
- You could get written permission from a musician to use one of her tracks in your game.
- You could purchase royalty-free sounds for your game through a sound library service.
- You could find assets offered for free under a Creative Commons or similar license, making sure to follow the terms of the license.
Some examples of what NOT to do:
- Don't use music from your iTunes library. (Buying a song does not give you the right to use it in your game.)
- Don't assume that "royalty-free" means "completely free." (Typically you'll purchase the asset via a subscription or a one-time payment, and/or provide credit.)
- Don't assume that anything is in the public domain. (For example, Beethoven's 5th is 200 years old, but any given recording of it is still under copyright.)
What would happen if a Finalist was unable to attend the conference? Would that disqualify them from winning the Grand Prize?
Of course if you are able to make it we'd love to see you there -- that goes for everyone here, Finalist or no.
But can someone like you Cobra or any official confirm what an international entry like myself would receive?
Can we enter at all?
Can we become finalists if we are allowed to enter?
If we are, do we get coverage at your stand at Macworld as mentioned in another thread I saw?
Any information would be much appreciated, thank you.