Why doesn't sell my game better?

johanclevejohancleve Member Posts: 24
edited November -1 in Miscellaneous
My first game got released yesterday and I only got 3 downloads?! The people that tested my game in advance were really positive about it, they had fun playing it.

So, I wanna know what I can do better next time. So could you please have a look at my game and give me some advice?!


Promo codes if you wanna test it in your iPad:


  • scitunesscitunes Member, Sous Chef Posts: 4,047
    Looks like fun gameplay. Unfortunately it is very hard to display gameplay in the appstore. Graphics rule the day in the end. IF those chalk circles had eyes and a mouth to give them personality - you may have a winning combination. As it is, the graphics do not draw you in (no pun intended). Actually a chalk circle face with a lot of personality would make a good icon.


  • stanimationstanimation Member Posts: 406
    Looks cool. If there are any codes left this weekend I will give a good review. Scitunes is correct, your icon needs a bit of work. The game look really good however.
  • guru-at-zidwareguru-at-zidware Member Posts: 369
    grabbed MX79YX6NFTK6...will comment...how are you advertising? what is unique or new about your game?
  • johanclevejohancleve Member Posts: 24
    I know, the icon sucks. I submitted a iPhone version, with another icon, which is now waiting for review. I don't think I can change the icon of the current app.
  • johanclevejohancleve Member Posts: 24
    @guru-at-zidware: I submitted my app for review to a bunch of review sites, I made a youtube movie and a website. Don't know what else I should do.
  • SingleSparqSingleSparq Member Posts: 1,339
    Little fish, meet big pond. It's a tough gig in the crowded app store. I've got 50 downloads since July for my space tech defender game. But there is only so much you can do. Some luck is involved, some strategy but we all want the big seller. Now if there only was an app for that!
  • SparkyidrSparkyidr Member, PRO Posts: 2,033
    Hey there.

    Welcome to the AppStore. Where dreams are shattered on a daily basis(*) :o)

    It's a bit of a lottery with what sells and what doesn't sometimes.
    So first impressions are very very important.

    From a brief look at your screens, as a "punter", I really don't have much of a clue about what I have to do in the game etc. I can see it looks pretty nice, and that you tell me it has endless gameplay, and that I probably have to draw stuff, and there are circles.

    As others have said too.... even though it looks pretty nice, there is a lack of character to the graphics. Although that's a hard one to get right when you are going for a more minimal look as you have with this game.

    Also, your icon is a bit......(well, you know this already)

    That's just my 2p of a chip in.

    It a tough marketplace to be a part of. Remember you are competing with a LOT of new games every day (especially at this time of year), so anything and everything you can do to stand out from the crowd is a bonus.

    If sales are really really bad, chalk it up to experience. It's a game under the belt, and into the wild. Move onto the next one....and keep having fun whilst doing it.

    (*-dreams might also come true sometimes)
  • tenrdrmertenrdrmer Member, Sous Chef, Senior Sous-Chef Posts: 9,934
    That looks interesting did you make it with GS?
  • johanclevejohancleve Member Posts: 24
    Yep, it is made with GS.

    I will take all your opinions and good advice into account for my next game. The good thing is that I can only do better with my next game. :)
  • BackUpAndDownBackUpAndDown Member Posts: 685
    Why not update this game? You don't need to make a whole new one. By the sounds of it all you need is some better graphics.
  • johanclevejohancleve Member Posts: 24
    Can you change your app icon in an update?
  • firemaplegamesfiremaplegames Member Posts: 3,211
    Yes, you can change your icon and your screenshots when you submit an update.
  • debugdesigndebugdesign Member Posts: 886

    1. It looks really dull generally.
    2. Icon looks really basic
    3. "earn as much points as you can"-should be- "earn as MANY points as you can"
    4. Just earn points... it just sounds like a thrown together game with no pazaaz, no extras and no features.
    5.It needs a full feature list in the description to help sell it
    6. Is there a 'Duster' power up

    sorry, if I sound harsh but it is quite a dull concept and there are 10,000 games in the same price bracket which look more appealing.
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