I've read the new license agreement and am lost in regards 2 pw 4 appannie.com?

i've read the license agreement and came across the paragraph where Apple demands that none of us (who will need to agree) can give the account username and password out the third party sites!
Unfortunately, if we want to use services such as http://applyzer.com or http://appannie.com we have little choice but to provide that info if we want to see proper tracking.
How do you guys manage this?
i've read the license agreement and came across the paragraph where Apple demands that none of us (who will need to agree) can give the account username and password out the third party sites!
Unfortunately, if we want to use services such as http://applyzer.com or http://appannie.com we have little choice but to provide that info if we want to see proper tracking.
How do you guys manage this?
I also bought AppViz, which is a app that I have download daily reports. It's pretty good.
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i also bought an app that downloads reports every morning and displays everything i could possibly wish to see but appannie was my first ever tracking site and i love the pleasant layout so i peak at it a few times a day.
Now that Apple has a new license, which states that we are not permitted to give out our login data, i'm wondering what others feel about it because doing so is a clear breach of the agreement.
I have no clue if Apple has the means to track and filter logins that do not originate from the same IP but sooner or later that should become obvious.
Also use appannie with no problem. I'd say they just have it in there to cover their ass so you cant claim something got hacked because they didn't tell you not to give your password out. idk
Don't apple breakdown your sales into regions when they send you your monthly payments? (I don't have any apps up yet)
apple gives you sales numbers per region and such, but theres no way to track the actual income ammount till finacial reports come in unless your taking your sales unties figureing out the tier structure for each unit sold, then subtract 30% from that total number.
hope they don't start enforcing this.
I love my daily check of appviz
That is what we agree to when we accept. Then there is appannie, applyzer and co
I found other posts on other forums who have picked up on that too ...
I actually bought a program which has everything the tracking sites offer but it's just so addicting ... like this morning when I saw my firs star on applyzer.com for the piano app.
These sites are the poor mans "high" but Apple must have caught on to the fact that their way of providing info has been outdone by a few others ...
I can imagine that all these sites who are making a living of providing the into will have to negotiate with mighty apple?
For now, one can change the pw on the apple site which should stop the logins, depending on which site one uses.
I change my password and appannie send me it:
It's also possible that Apple has a new set of terms for their user agreement. In that case you'll need to login to https://itunesconnect.apple.com/ and accept the agreement before I can fetch your reports again.
would you mind elaborating on that sentence?
Are you saying that you logged in at developer.apple.com, changed your pw and appannie sent you a notification?
I'm confused :-/