GameSalad Survey - June 2009

superNESsuperNES Member Posts: 166
edited November -1 in News from the Dev Team
As we move closer to our official launch, we'd like to get your feedback on GameSalad and your plans for publishing your games. This survey will only take a minute but will give us much needed feedback from our users. Please be completely honest as it helps us bring you the best products possible.


  • sewinstonsewinston Member Posts: 51
    So I guess this means we're going to have to pay $30-100 for the preview app:(

    I think you need to add a question dealing with how much we would be willing to pay for the .app we can sell on the app store. If the conversion price is low (like $5-10) then yes I would be willing to pay $100 for the preview app.

    Let me put it this way. Most of us would be lucky if our first game sold 100 copies at 99 cents. If we're taking huge losses on our first game it's unlikely we're going to make a second. You're better off with the positive publicity of thousands of amateurs having fun making games cheaply and selling them on the app store then a few well funded semi-pro using a tool that bypasses the need for hiring a programmer.

    Please remember that while I'm sure we all aspire to make a living making games full time via gamesalad, we don't have any of the VC money that real companies use to start up with. Whatever you charge is going to come directly out of our pocket in a time when disposable income is hard to come by.
  • Vanny_ArtsVanny_Arts Member Posts: 16
    I don't own an intel Mac yet!! So... I have not yet get the chance to use GameSalad. I'm not sure about the price. All I could say is that if the engine will really benefit me,,,,than I personally don't mind paying $150.00 or more if the engine update every month or 2. Good programmers need to be pay good,,, as well they need to build a great product.

    But if the engine doesn't meet some possibility of making a game.... well than I do mind the price.
  • JaxterJaxter Member, PRO Posts: 398
    So when will be official launch? 1 week 2wo? month ? 6months?
  • adent42adent42 Key Master, Head Chef, Executive Chef, Member, PRO Posts: 3,198
    The application has been submitted to Apple.
  • JGary321JGary321 Member Posts: 1,246
    Can I assume that 'the application' in which you speak is actually the viewer? Or am I making an a** out of u & me. (get it? a-s-s-u-m-e. boy I crack myself up!)
  • zombotszombots Member Posts: 186
    does that mean as soon as apple approve the app we will be able to test on the iphone?
  • JGary321JGary321 Member Posts: 1,246
    It would seem. That's my guess at least.
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