Hello everyone, new GS user here.
Full time dad here, with a 1 year old daughter, so I work with GS at night or whenever the time permits. My background is an on and off freelancer in the film industry, but my true passion is and has always been gaming. So I decided to change career and hopefully it will work out in the future.
Unfortunately I won't be able to contribute to this fantastic community much in the way of code just yet, as I just about getting a hang of the attributes. But as I am avid gamer, and been for many many years, I hope I can contribute in different ways that hopefully can benefit the community.
Thanks for reading
Unfortunately I won't be able to contribute to this fantastic community much in the way of code just yet, as I just about getting a hang of the attributes. But as I am avid gamer, and been for many many years, I hope I can contribute in different ways that hopefully can benefit the community.
Thanks for reading

Good Luck.
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Stacks Level Selection Template HERE!!
Expanding Option Menu Template HERE!!
Tenrdrmer's Menu # 3 HERE!!
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Congrats being dad!
Ahh, I am too newbie here and a game lover!
Wishing you success as I wish for myself and everybody enrolled with this community.
Cheers and welcome!
Good luck with game making!
Dr. Sam Beckett never returned home...
Twitter: https://twitter.com/Quantum_Sheep
Web: https://quantumsheep.itch.io
think "wow that went quick" but just enjoy it all,