just wanna say hello;)

hey guys,
my name is wouter (oh really xD), i'm new to this community so i wanna say hello;D
i'm 17, dutch (so my english is bad (get used to it xD)), got tomorrow the results of my exam (but i know i did succeed;)
after the summer vacation i start a design study (webdesign, design, website building, advertention making (animation), all adobe stuff and more..) but it's a lottery study (great chance to start because 190 will be allowed and last year there where 210 applications)(correct english???:$) and else i go work for a year;)
I program since my 14th but i didn't like c++ so i start webdeveloping, i wanna use this vacation to start making a (great:P) iphone games and so i came to gamesalad!!
hopefully you will see my first game over about 3 weeks in the think outside the box contest! (great initiative!)
this community looks very friendly so you have a new fanatical member;D
if you would like to know more of me just pm me;)
mmm need inspiration for a profile picture... xD
my name is wouter (oh really xD), i'm new to this community so i wanna say hello;D
i'm 17, dutch (so my english is bad (get used to it xD)), got tomorrow the results of my exam (but i know i did succeed;)
after the summer vacation i start a design study (webdesign, design, website building, advertention making (animation), all adobe stuff and more..) but it's a lottery study (great chance to start because 190 will be allowed and last year there where 210 applications)(correct english???:$) and else i go work for a year;)
I program since my 14th but i didn't like c++ so i start webdeveloping, i wanna use this vacation to start making a (great:P) iphone games and so i came to gamesalad!!
hopefully you will see my first game over about 3 weeks in the think outside the box contest! (great initiative!)
this community looks very friendly so you have a new fanatical member;D
if you would like to know more of me just pm me;)
mmm need inspiration for a profile picture... xD
This is Ludwig, I'm Dutch to and 42 :S
I'll keep it in English (Dunglish as I call it) so people understand what we are talking about.
Welcome here.
Where are you going to study design? And on the academy or graphic school?
I did graphic school myself and am a ZZP (freelance) designer/dtp-er trying to start making a living with GS now.
Have a look at my sites:
Lump Apps and My Assets
haha thanks;)
Communication&multimedia design in Breda (HBO lol Higher Vocational Education? xD) don't know if that's academy or graphic school in english xD haha Dunglish:P
colorful websites, like the first one (lumpapps.com) the most;) (lol saw i joomla in the source code?:P)
Yes Joomla, I build the templates (CSS) myself from scratch.
I like lumpapps better too but Forzagrafica is more professional so indeed less
Breda is Academy I think, graphic School is MBO.
Is it st. Joost? Thats one of the best. I've been there a couple of times on expositions.
There are some more guys here from Holland I believe.
Lump Apps and My Assets
here is some what students have made;) http://www.avanscmd.nl/studentenwerk
so big party here:D
I look forward to seeing your first game!