Please vote for my page.
Hi there people,
So sorry for the misleading title. I bet you thought you were voting for another Gamesalad feature. My name is Kyrie, I did an app last year with Gamesalad which some of you may know. Would love if you could click and vote for me on the new site called AboutMe.
The site may actually even be good for you guys to promote your apps on. Or you as an app creator
to VOTE takes about 5 seconds, you don't have to fill anything out at all or log in. Just click the link below PLEEASE! If I win, I get to be on a billboard in TimeSquare. And if you help me out, I will send each one of you a free copy of my new album. Just leave your email on this thread. ALL THE BEST GUYS! Shout out to TShirtBooth, Weswog and Mark Chuberka. Keep up the good work everyone! Thank you!
Kyrie London In the Mix ipad app
`Titled edited to beter suit the thread - tenrdrmer`
So sorry for the misleading title. I bet you thought you were voting for another Gamesalad feature. My name is Kyrie, I did an app last year with Gamesalad which some of you may know. Would love if you could click and vote for me on the new site called AboutMe.
The site may actually even be good for you guys to promote your apps on. Or you as an app creator
to VOTE takes about 5 seconds, you don't have to fill anything out at all or log in. Just click the link below PLEEASE! If I win, I get to be on a billboard in TimeSquare. And if you help me out, I will send each one of you a free copy of my new album. Just leave your email on this thread. ALL THE BEST GUYS! Shout out to TShirtBooth, Weswog and Mark Chuberka. Keep up the good work everyone! Thank you!
Kyrie London In the Mix ipad app
`Titled edited to beter suit the thread - tenrdrmer`
Come on guys please help me out
Kyrie x
my email:
my skype: calvin9403