Introducing New Head Chef - SaladStraightShooter

Hey, everyone!
I just wanted to make a short post, introducing the newest member of the GS family. You may have noticed him lurking around the boards the last day or so. His name is SaladStraightShooter and he's the new Community Manager here at GameSalad.
Don't worry, nothing's happened to LaurenSalad, and I'm still definitely around. I've just been moved to focus more on Marketing / PR / and Events, while LaurenSalad will be leading the charge on Social Media and Online Content.
SaladStraightShooter will be dedicated to providing a regular presence here on the forums. You'll find him on here, pretty much all day during business hours and intermittently during evenings and weekends.
If you get a chance, send him a fast "Hello!", or just post one here.
I just wanted to make a short post, introducing the newest member of the GS family. You may have noticed him lurking around the boards the last day or so. His name is SaladStraightShooter and he's the new Community Manager here at GameSalad.
Don't worry, nothing's happened to LaurenSalad, and I'm still definitely around. I've just been moved to focus more on Marketing / PR / and Events, while LaurenSalad will be leading the charge on Social Media and Online Content.
SaladStraightShooter will be dedicated to providing a regular presence here on the forums. You'll find him on here, pretty much all day during business hours and intermittently during evenings and weekends.
If you get a chance, send him a fast "Hello!", or just post one here.
This discussion has been closed.
Anyways, hello! hope to see you around the forums!
""You are in a maze of twisty passages, all alike." - Zork temp domain
Service guarantees citizenship.
Would you like to know more?
Dr. Sam Beckett never returned home...
For the straight shooting part, you will have to prove your name here. We are all on top of you.
I hope you are not shooting blanks.
(wondering if you ever shot a salad)
Lump Apps and My Assets
Glad to see more yellows in the forums now,
We love hearing from you yellows!,
Welcome and I will be. Looking forward to see what your potential can bring to the gs community!
Jack Leonard,
Happy to have you on board!
Any update on the forum upgrade? Thanks!
- Jeff
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any news on android support and the other stuff that was pushed back from 0.9.8?