Forum Marketplace Shutting Down - Monday, October 31st

Hey, everyone!
A few weeks ago, we announced that we would be making some significant changes to the forums, including shutting down the current forum marketplace.
We now support 3rd party sellers and assets, including templates, on the GameSalad Marketplace. We will be shutting down the forum marketplace on Monday, October 31st, at 9:00AM PST. Everyone currently selling or wishing to conduct business on Marketplace will have until that time to wrap up any details or take them offline.
As promised, sellers and buyers on the forum marketplace are being given at least 48 hours to settle all final business, and submit requests to be included as an official Marketplace seller, before closing down the marketplace forum.
The forum marketplace was always intended as a temporary solution, and the official Marketplace provides a reliable, trustworthy environment for buying and selling assets and templates.
For those who specialize in selling audio, we will have a solution soon within the official Marketplace. It will be in the next major update to Marketplace, and should be coming before the end of the year.
Also, we understand that many people offer services, beyond asset creation, such testing, additional programming support, etc. Services and 3rd Party Tools (i.e., Deep Blue Apps tools, NOT Templates) should be listed under the Jobs forum only.
To be clear, the buying and selling of assets via our forums is prohibited as of Monday. Threads offering goods for sale will be closed and/or deleted.
Thank you for your understanding as we strive to improve the experience and reliability of purchasing assets and templates from other members of the community.
A few weeks ago, we announced that we would be making some significant changes to the forums, including shutting down the current forum marketplace.
We now support 3rd party sellers and assets, including templates, on the GameSalad Marketplace. We will be shutting down the forum marketplace on Monday, October 31st, at 9:00AM PST. Everyone currently selling or wishing to conduct business on Marketplace will have until that time to wrap up any details or take them offline.
As promised, sellers and buyers on the forum marketplace are being given at least 48 hours to settle all final business, and submit requests to be included as an official Marketplace seller, before closing down the marketplace forum.
The forum marketplace was always intended as a temporary solution, and the official Marketplace provides a reliable, trustworthy environment for buying and selling assets and templates.
For those who specialize in selling audio, we will have a solution soon within the official Marketplace. It will be in the next major update to Marketplace, and should be coming before the end of the year.
Also, we understand that many people offer services, beyond asset creation, such testing, additional programming support, etc. Services and 3rd Party Tools (i.e., Deep Blue Apps tools, NOT Templates) should be listed under the Jobs forum only.
To be clear, the buying and selling of assets via our forums is prohibited as of Monday. Threads offering goods for sale will be closed and/or deleted.
Thank you for your understanding as we strive to improve the experience and reliability of purchasing assets and templates from other members of the community.
This discussion has been closed.
Dr. Sam Beckett never returned home...
So is the Jobs thing gonna stop showing on the main forum? Cause I think we will just find massive amounts of service listings now for Custom "work" with "work" examples listed of templates they have made.
Wouldn't it be best to make a section of the marketplace where approved sellers can list any services they offer as well? that will fully eliminate the I just started using GameSalad last week but I know enough to work for hire junk. Just a thought. I guess we cant make everyone happy.
For example, Touch Arcade has a limit to just four lines, and no images.
I'd really like that, personally!
Dr. Sam Beckett never returned home...
Looks like theres a plugin and it seems to have all the features all of us want.
"This plugin allows users to attach their own signatures to their posts.
Users can also opt to disable signatures for themselves if they prefer not to see this feature. A third option allows for the selective removal of images from signatures, leaving only the text."
Sound perfect if you ask me
Dr. Sam Beckett never returned home...
Very powerful forum software.. I run a few forums using version 4 of it.
Are they making any other adjustments to the site/forums?
My GameSalad Academy Courses! ◦ Check out my quality templates! ◦ Add me on Skype: braydon_sfx
I would suggest sending out a newsletter to inform the 75k members about the new marketplace.
We've had 20 quality templates in the official forum for a month now with only 4 sales last time i heard so something isn't working.
As for signatures... that's an interesting matter... will the new forum have signatures?
Heh, and I'm planning to put my sound files back online this weekend. I'm glad that I'm able to announce it here before the deadline.
Are we going to be allowed to advertise this under jobs?
I will hopefully make some stock music too for the official market place
I'm still waiting for any sort of email response to my 1st (of many) template submissions for the new marketplace. And I submitted with in days of it first being announced....
@SaladStraightShooter... if you could update us (me) on the status of the marketplace and the new 3rd party content that would be great... its been weeks and weeks and weeks and still no reply.
I've got a (hopefully good) selection of templates I'd love to sell on the new marketplace. In the meantime you can only get them from my site.
Things like PaperToss, Point and Click collectables menu, 3d swipe-able room, and more...
This is a nice way to make sure everyone gets noticed like they should. I dont care who you are, no one or 2 poeple should have the marketplace filled up. I would definetly call it broke.
Dr. Sam Beckett never returned home...
For everyone that has applied to Marketplace, we have not forgotten you! We approved our first batch of submissions that came in the first day, which was sizable. Those brave first went through the admission process, which has allowed us to catch some issues and make the process smoother for everyone else. As such, everyone who has not heard from us should expect to get a response next week (probably early next week-just to put a little extra pressure on us).
Marketplace has been working on several items simultaneously, and I'm happy to share what the current status/priorities are for us.
1) The top priority is getting new content up and approving new asset creators!
2) Marketing of Marketplace is about to kick in. We'll be doing announcements and taking over a section of our newsletters to let everyone know about new assets.
3) Continued refinement of the underlying technology, which will allow for better searching, shopping, and purchasing. This allows us to bring you
4) Audio assets! We are planning to have audio assets in November (and I'm not shooting for the last day of the month just to slide in and beat the tag). Expect submission guidelines to be released soon, so we're all set with assets when the technology is greenlit.
I'm always interested in ideas around Marketplace, and have been keeping a wishlist of features and content. We're expecting to have some pretty cool additions around themed packs, sound effects, music, and even a special Game Team One (GameSalad's internal game team) pack coming soon that should be fun. And we certainly wouldn't want to charge for that one--it's too much fun to put a price on. So if you have ideas on what would be cool for the store, let us know!
I hope that this helps you understand a little more with where we are-there's a team of people now just focusing on MarketPlace, and they're very excited about the new stuff and focus on getting more assets and better marketing around the project.
Thanks for listening, and I'm really looking forward to impressing you with what we're doing.
Also would be great if the submit and upload process was easier. Like maybe an online form and upload instead of the .cvs thing and emailing everything
Being able to see the Youtube demos of the templates and screen shots have been very helpful. I don't think the new GameSalad Marketplace allows that. Not sure...I just know that the stuff in the GameSalad Marketplace is expensive and I have pretty much been in and out of it. Plus the level of discussion in the marketplace forum was great as well.
Just my 2 cents. Not that it means anything at all :-)
What about the old messages, there some great archive stuff there.
Still could use better forum software here like vBulletin....