Hi Guys - Soldier coming home :-)

Hi guys, just a quick message to say that I am back on the scene for those who know me. I have just returned back from Libya and as I did not get much warning I was going I had to dump my site and all projects.
I will start contacting a few of you who may think I have fallen off the planet!! Sorry Alan :-)
Anyhow I have just purchased a new top mac and raring to get started and working out what I have missed.
I will start contacting a few of you who may think I have fallen off the planet!! Sorry Alan :-)
Anyhow I have just purchased a new top mac and raring to get started and working out what I have missed.
is libya safer now? or are they still fighting?
Dr. Sam Beckett never returned home...
Twitter: https://twitter.com/Quantum_Sheep
Web: https://quantumsheep.itch.io
p.s. did you bring me back some sand?
- Alex