no need to apologize … we all make silly posts … and we all like to have a laugh!
you go do the GettingStarted in the Cookbook … and watch some of the start-up videos (good to have GS open and pause the vids while you try out their how-to and tips)
and have fun and play a lot! … this is your epic AdventureJourney to making great games!
Guru Video Channel | Lost Oasis Games | FRYING BACON STUDIOS
- potatoes ?
(There a post with as much coherence as Mr Jelly above!)
We don't dare him … but we do hold him dear in our hearts!
between the Canadian and FryingBacon and Jelly and Potatoes … I just realized I missed my breakfast!
unclear Nuclear … please explain …
or if this your GS Announcement of your presence: … Greetings and Welcome!
@};- MH
you go do the GettingStarted in the Cookbook … and watch some of the start-up videos
(good to have GS open and pause the vids while you try out their how-to and tips)
and have fun and play a lot! … this is your epic AdventureJourney to making great games!
@};- MH