Getting to know you! GameSalad member profiles.
Okay, let's give this a go. Copy the list below and fill in the answers. Skip any you don't want to answer, and add any questions that would help us understand you. Grades will not be given, and please, no wagering.
GameSalad User Name:
First Name:
Family or relationship:
Greatest acheivements:
Fav music:
Fav music group or person:
Listening to now:
Fav TV show:
Fav movie:
Fav food:
Fav drink:
Fav alcoholic Beverage:
Fav book:
Favorite electronic game ever:
Superman or Batman?
Rock star or billionaire:
Believe in aliens:
Believe in ghosts:
Cat or dog:
Dream car:
Geek, artist, or both, or neither:
Deep dark secret:
Secret aspiration:
Interesting fact:
GameSalad User Name:
First Name:
Family or relationship:
Greatest acheivements:
Fav music:
Fav music group or person:
Listening to now:
Fav TV show:
Fav movie:
Fav food:
Fav drink:
Fav alcoholic Beverage:
Fav book:
Favorite electronic game ever:
Superman or Batman?
Rock star or billionaire:
Believe in aliens:
Believe in ghosts:
Cat or dog:
Dream car:
Geek, artist, or both, or neither:
Deep dark secret:
Secret aspiration:
Interesting fact:
First Name: William
Nickname: Bill (yeah, that all)
Nationality: USA
Gender: Male
Religion: Nothing formal anymore... more spiritual than religious
Family or relationship: 1 wife, 2 kids
Profession: Photographer, Graphic designer, web designer
Greatest achievements: Not happened yet, probably my two really fine kids.
Fav music: progressive rock, world music,
Fav music group or person: At the moment, Radiohead
Listening to now: Radiohead, Ween, Talking Heads, Joanna Newsom
Fav TV show: Lost (really the only tv show I watch)
Fav movie: Brazil by Terry Gilliam (oh so hard to pick one)
Fav food: T-bone with baked potato and salad
Fav drink: Ice Tea
Fav alcoholic Beverage: Red wine
Fav book: "1421, The Year China Discovered America" followed by Steven King's "The Stand"
Favorite electronic game ever: The original Arcade Astroids (it blew my little mind as a kid)
Superman or Batman? Batman (Superman is so pretentious)
Rock star or billionaire: billionaire.
Believe in aliens: The odds are for it, but I don't think they come and abduct us.
Believe in ghosts: No.
Cat or dog: Like both, but I guess cat.
Car: Toyota Camry
Dream car: Tesla Roadster
Computer(s): iMac
Geek, artist, or both, or neither: Artist, working on the geek part
Deep dark secret: I don't like cheese. There, I said it.
Secret aspiration: Get a pilots license.
Interesting fact: I've tried hang gliding... and loved it.
First Name: kevin
Nickname: K.T.F
Nationality: United States
Gender: male
Age: 19
Religion: christian
Family or relationship: single
Profession: Indie Hip-Hop Recording Artist, Game Dev
Greatest achievements: Made a game; graduated high school
Fav music: Hip-Hop; Rock; Pop; House; Techno
Fav music group or person: Lupe Fiasco; Wale
Listening to now: Dom Kennedy; K.T.F
Fav TV show: Flash Forward; The Boondocks
Fav movie: Back to The Future Series; Gonna be Kick-Ass
Fav food: Burgers, pizza, and other unhealthy things
Fav drink: Sprite Remix
Fav alcoholic Beverage: too young, but...
Fav book: Magazine, or the 7th tower
Favorite electronic game ever: Need For Speed
Superman or Batman? Batman
Rock star or billionaire: Rock star
Believe in aliens: Yes
Believe in ghosts: Sometimes...
Cat or dog: dog
Car: none at the time
Dream car: TVR Cerbera or Sagaris
Computer(s): Mac, duh!
Geek, artist, or both, or neither: both
Deep dark secret:??????
Secret aspiration: Be a big time rapper or big time game developer
Interesting fact: I worked at a pool.
33 minutes ago#
First Name: William
Nickname: Will
Nationality: USA
Gender: Male
Age: 17
Family or relationship: single
Profession: indy game dev
Greatest acheivements: iPhone Publishing
Fav music: Heavy Metal, Nu Metal, Rock, etc.
Fav music group or person: SOAD, Breaking Benjamin, Slipknot etc.
Listening to now: Rise Against, Sick Puppies, Fall Out Boy
Fav TV show: ehhhhhh
Fav movie: batman (heath ledger edition)
Fav food: Pizza, pasta, Taco Bell:) haha
Fav drink: Coke, Starbucks doubleshots, amp, MTND
Fav alcoholic Beverage: Pina Colada
Fav book: Eragon
Favorite electronic game ever: Halo
Superman or Batman? Batman all the way
Rock star or billionaire: Rock Star
Believe in aliens: Sure, why not
Believe in ghosts: Whatevs
Cat or dog: Dog
Car: 2003 ford focus
Dream car: 2012 ford focus ecoboost hatch titanium trim
Computer(s): mac pc: (home built)
Geek, artist, or both, or neither: both
Deep dark secret: currently taking japanese, pretty good at it, but I hate it
Secret aspiration: skydiving, bungee jumping etc.
Interesting fact: Addicted to music
First Name: quantum
Nickname: quantumsheep
Nationality: British/Greek
Gender: Male
Age: 39
Religion: Time and space
Family or relationship: One lost long ago.
Profession: Game Designer
Greatest acheivements: Interviewing Shigeru Miyamoto, working at Microsoft, being a games journalist, telling my boss he excelled at being the 'c' word :O
Fav music: Classical/Rock/Indie
Fav music group or person: Faith no More, Led Zep, Hendrix, Mozart, Beethoven
Listening to now: La Mer - Nine Inch Nails
Fav TV show: Lost, Battlestar Galactica
Fav movie: Star Wars Trilogy/Alien saga
Fav food: Steak and Chips
Fav drink: Tea!
Fav alcoholic Beverage: Whiskey
Fav book: 1984, George Orwell
Favorite electronic game ever: Tetris
Superman or Batman? Batman
Rock star or billionaire: Both
Believe in aliens: Yes
Believe in ghosts: Kinda
Cat or dog: Dog
Car: kinda
Dream car: White Ferrari Testarossa - a la Miami Vice
Computer(s): Macbook, Ziggy
Geek, artist, or both, or neither: Geek
Deep dark secret: I'm a time traveller...
Secret aspiration: To make the ultimate time-travel game...
Interesting fact: There is no such thing as 'free will'.
Dr. Sam Beckett never returned home...
First Name: Mark
Nickname: Sparky
Nationality: British
Gender: Male
Age: 36
Religion: Atheist
Family or relationship: Single
Profession: Music Producer/Studio engineer/song writer
Greatest acheivements: hasn't happened yet
Fav music: House music, Urban UK RnB and Rap
Fav music group or person: Stevie Wonder
Listening to now: My own music
Fav TV show: Lost
Fav movie: John Carpenter's The Thing
Fav food: Chinese
Fav drink: Coffee
Fav alcoholic Beverage: Cider
Fav book: The 3rd Policeman
Favorite electronic game ever: Mario Kart
Superman or Batman? Batman
Rock star or billionaire: Rockstar Billionaire
Believe in aliens: Maybe
Believe in ghosts: No
Cat or dog: Dog
Car: 1998 BMW 316i
Dream car: Nissan 350Z
Computer(s): Carillon audio pc/Macbook pro
Geek, artist, or both, or neither: Geeky artist
Deep dark secret: I could tell you, but then would have to kill you
Secret aspiration: make a top 10 record (not that secret I guess)
Interesting fact: My dad used to be a drummer
I find this kind of topics pretty useless, but anyway, here you go.
GameSalad User Name: Hunnenkoenig
First Name: Attila
Nationality: Hungary
Gender: Male
Age: 41
Religion: Atheist (I have my own belief)
Family or relationship: Single (in a weekend relationship :-P)
Profession: A**hole of the forum
Greatest achievements: None
Fav music: I don't hear music
Fav music group or person: none
Listening to now: nothing
Fav TV show: LOST
Fav movie: Star Wars IV-VI
Fav food: Pizza, Wiener Schnitzel
Fav drink: Dr. Pepper
Fav alcoholic Beverage: None
Fav book: Pillars of Earth
Favorite electronic game ever: Diablo 1-2
Superman or Batman?: Superman I think
Rock star or billionaire: Rockstar, because then I am a billionaire too
Believe in aliens: Absolutely (I saw them already)
Believe in ghosts: Absolutely (I experienced them already)
Cat or dog: I have a cat. I like dogs.
Car: Yes (Rover 620Si)
Dream car: Too many
Computer(s): I own a few.
Geek, artist, or both, or neither: Both...I think
Deep dark secret: It's so deep and so dark, not even I can see it.
Secret aspiration: I want to rule the world
Interesting fact: Can't think any of it.
First Name: Dan
Nickname: Cool Breeze (don't ask)
Nationality: USA (blue state :-> )
Gender: M
Age: 31
Religion: Quaker
Family or relationship: Wife, 2 kids
Profession: Middle School Science Teacher (working on making a human body curriculum that includes scientifically accurate songs and (you guessed it) games! Sold 55 so far - better get it done!)
Greatest acheivements: Not sure I'm there yet. If I don't screw up my kids too much I could probably go with them.
Fav music: Indie stuff and jam bands (when I was young enough to camp out and party!)
Fav music group or person: Phish, Bright Eyes, Wilco, Old 97's, moe., ten speed taxi
Listening to now: Bright eyes
Fav TV show: March Madness (go butler!)
Fav movie: The Goonies
Fav food: Bacon
Fav drink: Good coffee
Fav alcoholic Beverage: Pale Ale
Fav book: A Prayer for Owen Meany by John Irving
Favorite electronic game ever: SMB
Superman or Batman? Superman (I had an autistic student that LOVED superman and he won me over!)
Rock star or billionaire: Rock star
Believe in aliens: Yes (they got to be in the oceans of Europa - one of jupiter's moons)
Believe in ghosts: Not the spooky ones - but I believe in the possiblity, at least, of the supernatural (says the science teacher!)
Cat or dog: I like danger cats because it gives me a legal way to drown cats! (did I actually write that!)
Car: Subaru outback
Dream car: A bike and a job/lifestyle that would allow me to use it exclusively
Computer(s): Macbook pro (I hate PCs!)
Geek, artist, or both, or neither: A little of both
Deep dark secret: I think my cat drowning fantasy would suffice
Secret aspiration: To quit my teaching job and make it as a game designer / textbook writer (may give it a shot soon!)
Interesting fact: I'm a lead singer in a band (and I think I sound OK), but I SUCK at karaoke! I mean BAD!!!! My brother has a horrible voice, but somehow is incredible a Karaoke. I don't get it!
First Name:Chris
Nickname:The German , the big white guatamalan
Nationality:a bunch of euro whiteness raised in California
Family or relationship:wife and young son
Profession:fiber optic tech and many others
Greatest acheivements:my family
Fav music: most
Fav music group or person: They might be giants
Listening to now: my mind spinning with game ideas
Fav TV show: ghost hunters / lost
Fav movie: Nacho Libre
Fav food: mashed potatoes
Fav drink: . Kerns guava
Fav alcoholic Beverage: don't drink and never have by choice. I like to be in control of what I say and do
Fav book: none
Favorite electronic game ever: pitfall
Superman or Batman?
Rock star or billionaire: 1 billion dollars, muah ha ha ha
Believe in aliens: yes
Believe in ghosts: yes My site
Cat or dog: dog
Car: VW household
Dream car: Hydro powered Lambo
Computer(s): iMac and 11 year old hp
Geek, artist, or both, or neither: all airbrush for custom motorcycles
Deep dark secret:
Secret aspiration: win the lotto but I never play
Interesting fact: my son is on the autism spectum and I'm having him help me draw artwork for a doodle type game
I'm a bit obsessive compulsive
First Name:Stephen
Religion: Jedi (c'mon, you know it would be awesome)
Family or relationship: Single
Profession: Game Developer
Greatest acheivements: Running a game development studio with a dedicated team.
Fav music: Rock and classical
Fav music group or person: Daft Punk
Listening to now: Breaking Benjamin
Fav TV show: Band of Brothers
Fav movie: That's a tough one...
Fav food: Also tough
Fav drink: This too...
Fav alcoholic Beverage: Rickards Red
Fav book: Hard choice, but anything Tolkin or Dan Abnett
Favorite electronic game ever: Also very hard, but Half-Life 2 is on my top list
Superman or Batman? Batman
Rock star or billionaire: billionaire
Believe in aliens: Yes
Believe in ghosts: Yes
Cat or dog: Dog
Car: 2002 Ford Explorer
Dream car: Ferrari Formula One Car
Computer(s): 2 PC's, 1 Tablet PC, 1 Mac
Geek, artist, or both, or neither: Both
Deep dark secret: It's a secret
Secret aspiration: To be as handsome and muscular as Kevin Sorbo.
Interesting fact: I'm a huge video game collector (new and vintage)
Nickname: NA
Nationality: none really live in USA
Gender: M
Age: 32
Religion: NA
Family or relationship: wife +2kids
Profession: Wife +2kids
Greatest acheivements: Rocked the House of Blues on sunset a few times.
Fav music: Beatles, John Coltrane
Fav music group or person:
Listening to now:
Fav TV show: All the Trek
Fav movie:
Fav food: any potatoe that is fried - 10+ year vegetarian
Fav drink:Cofffffffeeeee
Fav alcoholic Beverage:
Fav book: Only read kids books o i don't have a fav
Favorite electronic game ever: SMB
Superman or Batman? dont care
Rock star or billionaire:
Believe in aliens: y
Believe in ghosts: y
Cat or dog: Love animals but would never have either - too much time required
Car: altima and a mazda5
Dream car:50s vet
Computer(s): mac mini, HP laptop (w7), Pc tower (made it for gaming never turn it on)
Geek, artist, or both, or neither: both
Deep dark secret: Secret life of the american teenager ....shhhhh
Secret aspiration: NA
Interesting fact: Davy Crocket is in my family tree. Although he was from france not a mountain top in Tennessee but, did participate in the battle of the Alamo.
He did kill a bear at the age of three for touching is vespa.
First Name: Chris
Nickname: none
Nationality: American. 2nd Gen Polish, Irish & Scottish
Gender: Male
Age: 38
Religion: Sometimes
Family or relationship: Married with a daughter (8) from a previous marriage
Profession: you're looking at it - unemployed IT Analyst. Maybe if my next game goes big I will stop looking for a "real" job.
Greatest acheivements: Being a father
Fav music: Classic Rock
Fav music group or person: Led Zeppelin
Listening to now: Anything but country
Fav TV show: Archer, Lost, Family Guy
Fav movie:The Usual Suspects
Fav food: Pizza
Fav drink: Diet Pepsi
Fav alcoholic Beverage: Don Julio and Ginger Ale
Fav book: Charm School
Favorite electronic game ever: Electronic Football - the classic that vibrates all over the place
Superman or Batman? Neither. I'm a Marvel guy
Rock star or billionaire: Billionaire
Believe in aliens: Not that have visited Earth. Probably out there somewhere
Believe in ghosts: No
Cat or dog: Cat
Car: 2004 Audi A4
Dream car: Too many to list. I've owned 3 Jeep Wranglers and love 'em but now want a Ford Raptor
Computer(s): 13" White Macbook - 1yr old running Leopard. Dell Dimension E510 Desktop running Win 7, Dell Latitude D610 Laptop with XP
Geek, artist, or both, or neither: Tech Geek
Deep dark secret: Every year for my birthday I wish for world peace. Seriously.
Secret aspiration: To live up to my potential
Interesting fact: I flipped my car at 2 AM on St Patrick's Day 2007 and 10 hours later I was a groomsman in a wedding.
First Name: Private
Nickname: JBean
Nationality: Aussie/U.S
Gender: F
Age: 32
Religion: Spiritual
Family or relationship: Attached
Profession: RN
Greatest acheivements: Achieving proper IV placement while a tied down patient is fighting and trying to bite me
Fav music: Too many great artists, but I love Dance/Trance
Fav music group or person: Way too many to say just one, but if only one, Madonna
Listening to now: Medina (You and I)
Fav TV show: Golden Girls
Fav movie: Finding Nemo
Fav food: Vietnamese (Steak Vermicelli!)
Fav drink: Coffee, strong/ half and half
Fav alcoholic Beverage:White wine: German Riesling: BEX
Fav book: Dan Brown: Angels and Demons
Favorite electronic game ever: Wayyyyy too many to pick just one: Yoshi's Island, MegaMan 2, Secret of Mana, Legend of Mana, Castlevania SOTN, Super Mario Bros 2, Princess Tomato in the Salad Kingdom, Kirby, Braid, Mario Kart series, Wario Ware oh the list goes on!
Superman or Batman? Batman
Rock star or billionaire: Billionaire
Believe in aliens: Yes
Believe in ghosts: Yes
Cat or dog: Both
Car: Audi A4
Dream car: Audi R8
Computer(s): iMac/Macbook Pro
Geek, artist, or both, or neither: Both!
Deep dark secret: None
Secret aspiration: Work for Shigeru Miyamoto
Interesting fact: I can juggle
First Name: Josh
Nickname: Josh
Nationality: English
Gender: Male
Age: 17
Religion: N/A
Family or relationship: Just marvelous.
Profession: Student
Greatest acheivements: Hmmm, Making an iPhone game?
Fav music: Jazz? Pop? Rock? An assortment.
Fav music group or person: There is too many!
Listening to now: Literally right now, Coldplay.
Fav TV show: Another tough one. Friends? Theres loads!
Fav movie: Crikey, if I had to choose one.... I can't. I will watch most films you give me.
Fav food: Here we go again. I can't answer these.
Fav drink: Robinson's Peach squash.
Fav alcoholic Beverage: Zilch, meaning I haven't yet acquired a taste for it.
Fav book: Im not really a reader (except of the internet, haha).
Favorite electronic game ever: Too many. But lets say a retro, Mario. A more recent game, Uncharted 2: Among Thieves.
Superman or Batman? Batman.
Rock star or billionaire: Billionaire.
Believe in aliens: Yes.
Believe in ghosts: Not sure. Probably no.
Cat or dog: Dog.
Car: BMW (or any german car: VW, Audi, MB with the exception of Aston Martins). Generalized again. Of course I don't own a car yet.
Dream car:Any high end model form one of the above companies would do me just fine.
Computer(s): APPLE MAC. Any other answer would be ludicrous.
Geek, artist, or both, or neither:
Deep dark secret: Urrrm. I bought a PC. Sssshhh!
Secret aspiration: To have a family and be happy with them and where/who I work for.
Interesting fact: I can't juggle.
First Name: rather not say
Nickname: blade
Nationality: Swedish American
Gender: M
Age: 38
Religion: Buddhist
Family or relationship: Married
Profession: Creating things
Greatest acheivements: i have opened move 250 retail stores and launched 1000s of products.
Fav music: electronic
Fav music group or person: kraftwerk
Listening to now: Air
Fav TV show: Flight of the Concords
Fav movie: The Last Emperor
Fav food: Japanese
Fav drink: water
Fav alcoholic Beverage: old fashion
Fav book: The Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy
Favorite electronic game ever: super mario world
Superman or Batman? : neither. I would want to be Apache Chief. He rules
Rock star or billionaire: I will be who I am.
Believe in aliens: yes
Believe in ghosts: no
Cat or dog: I have a dog right now, but I love all animals.
Car: prius
Dream car: porsche
Computer(s): I have way too many. more than one in each room.
Geek, artist, or both, or neither: those are the same thing to me.
Deep dark secret: it would not be a secret.....
Secret aspiration: I don't have one. I do what my aspirations are.
Interesting fact: I can speak Japanese.
First Name: Mike
Nickname: Mikey
Nationality: British (living in the USA)
Gender: Male
Age: 45
Religion: Read my autobiography (coming soon to an iPad)
Family or relationship: Married
Profession: Producer, Director, Puppeteer, Animator, Entrepreneur
Greatest achievements: Destroying the second Death Star (and correcting the spelling of "achievements" in this survey)
Fav music: All the great '80 Britt peeps, even their new stuff - Thomas Dolby etc. Also Judith Owen, Julia Fordham and Todd Rundgren. Oh and some stuff from the 1930's
Fav music group or person: Stan Laurel
Listening to now: Mac fan trying to cool my machine down
Fav TV show: Dr. Who, or should it be Dr. Whom?
Fav movie: Most things Hitchcock and Zemeckis
Fav food: Pot roast with mashed potatoes and gravy - and anything with chicken.... and eggs....
Fav drink: Mai Tai (has to be Trader Vic's style or not at all)
Fav alcoholic Beverage: See above!
Fav book: Mike Quinn's upcoming autobiography: "Talk To The Hand!". Most autobiographies.
Favorite electronic game ever: Old Mac CD Rom games: Dark Seed, Full Throttle, Rebel Assault, The Journeyman Projects. Well you get the idea.
Superman or Batman? Captain Britain!
Rock star or billionaire: Celebrity
Believe in aliens: If they believe in me :-)
Believe in ghosts: The hereafter's what I'm here after:
Cat or dog: One of each
Car: Plymouth Prowler
Dream car: Plymouth Prowler that can fly.
Computer(s): Power PC G5, iMac & Mac laptop.
Geek, artist, or both, or neither: Artist all the way.
Deep dark secret: Is that I have several deep dark secrets!
Secret aspiration: To become an Olympic Tiddleywink champion
Interesting facts:
-I have one degree of Kevin Bacon
-My Grandmother's first cousin was Maureen O'Sullivan (whos daughter was Mia farrow)
-My sister was in Bugsy Malone
-I can be heard singing on the same DC as Martina McBride
-I love Art Deco and rollerblading
First Name: Giacomo
Nickname: gpoppi
Nationality: Italian
Gender: Male
Age: 14
Religion: Christian
Family or relationship: I'm the black-sheep of my family!
Profession: Student? :P
Greatest acheivements: Published apps to iPhone at a young age!
Fav music: Rock
Fav music group or person: Nickelback
Listening to now: Supernova
Fav TV show: Zelig!
Fav movie: The Matrix (trilogy)
Fav food: Crepes alla valdostana!
Fav drink: Coca cola :P
Fav alcoholic Beverage: Beer
Fav book: What is that? :P Stormbreaker - Anthony Horowitz
Favorite electronic game ever: GTA 4
Superman or Batman? none
Rock star or billionaire: Billionare
Believe in aliens: My teacher is an alien... (in other words: no!)
Believe in ghosts: Nope
Cat or dog: dog
Car: Dont have one.... yet!
Dream car: Ferrari f60?
Computer(s): 3 (2 windows and a mac) working windows? nope they never work. macs do :P
Geek, artist, or both, or neither: hmmmm dont really understand this question
Deep dark secret: ...none
Secret aspiration:dont have one
Interesting fact: uhm, cant think of one right now :P
First Name:Dillon
Nickname:Dion or my coaches call me PrimeTime (don't really know why)
Family or relationship:Well im only 18
Profession:Student..Senior in High School
Greatest acheivements:Hm, i guess the same as giacomopoppi
Fav music: Rock or Rap
Fav music group or person:Dont really have a favorite
Listening to now:NCAA March Madness!
Fav TV show:Big Bang Theory? haha
Fav movie:The Hangover
Fav food:Chicken
Fav drink:Dr. Pepper
Fav alcoholic Beverage:NA
Fav book:Dont read much
Favorite electronic game ever:Hmm, i dont know
Superman or Batman?I guess Batman
Rock star or billionaire:Billioinaire
Believe in aliens:Nope
Believe in ghosts:Nope
Cat or dog:Dog
Car:Mazda RX 8
Dream car:Theres a lot!
Computer(s):2 (A PC and a laptop)
Geek, artist, or both, or neither:Neither
Deep dark secret:Ha, then it wouldn't be a secret.
Secret aspiration:Don't really have one.
Interesting fact:I never would have known about this place if it weren't for Eastbound!
First Name: Marco
Nickname: none
Nationality: Italian
Gender: Male
Age: 26
Religion: none
Family or relationship: a beautiful fiancee
Profession: About to become a Molecular Biology PhD, sous-chef (a real one)
Greatest acheivements: Make lunch and dinner for the troupe of Angels and Demons when they were shooting at Piazza del Popolo in Rome (Ron Howard liked it!)
Fav music: Rock and hard rock from the 60s and onward
Fav music group or person: Prophilax (don't ask...)
Listening to now: George Thorogood
Fav TV show: Lost, Simpsons
Fav movie: Indiana Jones series, Star wars original series
Fav food: Caprese (tomato and mozzarella cheese)
Fav drink: Ornellaia Riserva 2001
Fav alcoholic Beverage: as above
Fav book: Tales of Ice and Fire series (if only George Martin would release the next book, maybe I will to like that Stephen King's Misery book...)
Favorite electronic game ever: Mario Bros, Final Fantasy
Superman or Batman? Rat-Man (yes, with the "R")
Rock star or billionaire: Rock Star
Believe in aliens: yes
Believe in ghosts: no
Cat or dog: cat
Car: 2006 Alfa 147
Dream car: Alfa 8C
Computer(s): 24' iMac
Geek, artist, or both, or neither: both
Deep dark secret: back in 2001 my school organized an exchange with a school from Poland. When they came in Rome we took them to the Pope. Since we were to get really near to him we have been controlled and they found my lucky pocket knife. But they didn't see my razor sharp paper cutter. I have a photo with me standing a meter behind the Pope and no guards were near. I really thought to become famous...
Secret aspiration: Create an Ebola like virus and blackmail the world
Interesting fact: I started working in a restaurant to pay my studies but apparently I was good at it and climbed right to sous chef. But you know what? I really hate this job
First Name: Wes
Nickname: Wes
Gender: Male
Age: 29
Religion: The one that celebrates Xmas
Family or relationship: I have both
Profession: Production Assistant
Greatest acheivements: 2 college degrees (French and Media Arts)
Fav music: Any except Country
Fav music group or person: I like Pink Floyd a lot
Listening to now: Mash ups
Fav TV show: Futurama
Fav movie: Big Lebowski
Fav food: Pizza
Fav drink: Cherry Coke
Fav alcoholic Beverage: Cherry coke with alcohol in it
Fav book: Hitchiker's Guide to the Galaxy or The Dark Tower series
Favorite electronic game ever: Super Metroid (SNES)
Superman or Batman? Superman's powers, Batman's bad ass-ness
Rock star or billionaire: Rock Star billionaire
Believe in aliens: Both legal and otherwise
Believe in ghosts: All except the ones on those Ghost Hunter shows
Cat or dog: Dog
Car: it sucks... trust me
Dream car: a better one
Computer(s): Black Macbook, Homemade PC (w/ XP)
Geek, artist, or both, or neither: Yes
Deep dark secret: I want to make a living off of apps
Secret aspiration: Uh, see my deep dark secret above
Interesting fact: good question...
First Name: Matthew
Nickname: Matty
Nationality: British
Gender: Male
Age: 15
Religion: Agnostic
Family or relationship: Mum, Dad & Brother
Profession: IT
Greatest acheivements: Best student in Physics
Fav music: Any
Fav music group or person: Corey Taylor
Listening to now: N/A
Fav TV show: Family Guy or Heroes
Fav movie: Toy Story
Fav food: Chicken & Rice
Fav drink: Milk
Fav alcoholic Beverage: None
Fav book: Assassins creed renaissance
Favorite electronic game ever: Assassins creed
Superman or Batman? Batman
Rock star or billionaire: Rock star
Believe in aliens: Yes, but not like the movies, the universe was created at one time and we would of evolved at approximately the same time.
Believe in ghosts: No
Cat or dog: Dog
Car: None
Dream car: Not bothered
Computer(s): MacPro
Geek, artist, or both, or neither: Both
Deep dark secret: I want a golden toilet
Secret aspiration: The toilet thing
Interesting fact: Im changing my business
Well thats it xD
First Name: Mic
Nickname:my surname
Family or relationship:Wife & 2 gorgeous kids
Profession: IT
Greatest acheivements: My 2 kids!!! They are miracles.
Fav music: Anything but country
Fav music group or person: Heaps
Listening to now: Radio
Fav TV show: Massive LOST fan! (Can't believe it's almost over) :-(
Fav movie: Ace Ventura (first one)
Fav food: Pasta
Fav drink: Water
Fav alcoholic Beverage: Vodka
Fav book: Mostly read text books... murder mystery novels are OK
Favorite electronic game ever: Wonder Boy without a doubt. I built a dedicated arcade machine just to play it for real.
Superman or Batman? Really... Superman
Rock star or billionaire: Billionaire
Believe in aliens: Yes
Believe in ghosts: Doubt it
Cat or dog: Cat
Car: Boring Nissan.
Dream car: Diablo
Computer(s): Love my MacBook Pro 17" + MediaPC (Win7) + Hackintosh Laptop.
Geek, artist, or both, or neither: Geek :-)
Deep dark secret: I'm your father.
Secret aspiration: To own my own business.
Interesting fact: The bubble in a spirit level comes from a small creature at the bottom of the ocean - and that's a fact! :-D
First Name: Christian
Nationality: Mixed
Gender: M
Age: 24
Religion: My spiritual beliefs are not a religion, they are a way of life
Family or relationship: Married
Profession: Indie game developer, Entrepreneur
Greatest achievements: Authoring a DVD (CSS Fundamentals)
Fav music: House
Fav music group or person: Daft Punk
Listening to now: Crydamoure Presents Waves
Fav TV show: LOST
Fav movie: Up
Fav food: Cheesecake
Fav drink: Mango Juice
Fav alcoholic Beverage: Hoegaarden
Fav book: The Little Prince
Favorite electronic game ever: Ms. Pac Man, Tetris, Super Mario World, and many more!
Superman or Batman? Batman, he's much more relatable
Rock star or billionaire: Billionaire
Believe in aliens: No
Believe in ghosts: No
Cat or dog: Dog
Car: Honda Fit
Dream car: BMW M3
Computer(s): A PC I built myself for gaming, and a Macbook Pro for work
Geek, artist, or both, or neither: Geek, though I try to pose as an artist
Deep dark secret: I hate programming
Secret aspiration: To be a famous game designer
Interesting fact: I almost went to the Naval Academy, then changed my mind at the last minute
First Name: Ethan
Nickname: None
Nationality: White
Gender: male
Age: 19
Religion: Lutheran
Family or relationship: none? I think
Profession: College student
Greatest achievements: I'll rephrase this one and say the worlds greatest achievement was me
Fav music: Anything
Fav music group or person: Rise against, T.I.
Listening to now: T.V. in other room
Fav TV show: Robot Chicken
Fav movie: Anchorman
Fav food: Mexican
Fav drink: Ice tea
Fav alcoholic Beverage: anything that drops those panties
Fav book: Rich Dad Poor Dad
Favorite electronic game ever: Starcraft
Superman or Batman? Batman
Rock star or billionaire: Billionaire
Believe in aliens: Sure
Believe in ghosts: Sure
Cat or dog: Dog
Car: I drive? Nissan Maxima
Dream car: anything over 100k
Computer(s): Im a PC
Geek, artist, or both, or neither: neither
Deep dark secret: I have no regrets... my only regret is that I have boneitis
Secret aspiration: to be a billionaire guess thats no secret. umm anything with a good pair of breasts then I guess
Interesting fact: I have what people in the medical field refer to as pigeon breast
First Name: Jonathan
Nickname:Jon, J
Nationality: U.S.
Gender: Male
Age: 31
Religion: Christian (no denomination)
Family or relationship: Married
Profession: Community Manager, PR guy, writer
Greatest achievements: Producing and directing a sketch comedy troupe, Producing videos of BSG Live! Concert...
Fav music: Classic Rock
Fav music group or person: Beatles, The Who, Queen, Stephen Sondheim
Fav TV show: Now - LOST... Ever - Deadwood or BSG
Fav movie: Citizen Kane (cliche, i know... but the film is f***ing genius)
Fav food: Chicken & Mushrooms
Fav drink: Coffee
Fav alcoholic Beverage: White Russian
Fav book: The Stand by Stephen King
Favorite electronic game ever:
Superman or Batman? Batman
Rock star or billionaire: billionaire
Believe in aliens: yes
Believe in ghosts: yes
Cat or dog: cat
Car: none at the moment
Dream car: yes, that's what i have
Geek, artist, or both, or neither: both
Deep dark secret: i think The Breakfast Club is a terrible terrible movie...
Secret aspiration: Write a comic book.
Interesting fact: My first car had a giant decal of the Kool-Aid man surfing on the side door
First Name: Victor
Nickname: Vic
Nationality: British
Gender: Male
Age: 14
Religion: None
Family or relationship: 2 brothers
Profession: Game/Software Programming
Greatest acheivements: Walked into a lampost
Fav music: Owl City
Fav music group or person: Steve Jobs
Listening to now: My rubbish windows server PC fan whirling away
Fav movie: Zombieland
Fav food: Cheese
Fav drink: Coke
Fav alcoholic Beverage: None
Fav book: iPhone Application Development For Dummies
Favorite electronic game ever: Killing Floor
Believe in aliens: Yes
Believe in ghosts: No
Cat or dog: Fish
Car: Toy Ferrari
Dream car: Dustbin Van
Computer(s): 1 White Macbook, 1 Old PC for game servers
Deep dark secret: I have a stash of chocolate under my bed
Secret aspiration: Money
Interesting fact: I have two hungarian cousins that are in a rock band
First Name: Eric
Nickname: Dink when i was a kid
Nationality: American
Gender: Male
Age: 41
Religion: Catholic
Family or relationship: wife and 2 great kids (5girl,11boy)
Profession: Computer Networking Sales Engineer for a Mfg.
Greatest acheivements: Having my kids
Fav music: Top 40, instrumental, country, rock
Fav music group or person: U2, Bon Jovi, Def Leppard, Aerosmith
Listening to now: um right now? MJ Morning Show in Tampa, FL
Fav TV show: Supernatural, Flash Forward, Big Bang Theory
Fav movie: Raiders of Lost Ark, Gattaca, Spaceballs
Fav food: Sushi
Fav drink: Monster low-carb
Fav alcoholic Beverage: any beer!
Fav book: Timeline
Favorite electronic game ever: WoW
Superman or Batman? Superman
Rock star or billionaire: Billionaire (can buy rock star fame)
Believe in aliens: Yep
Believe in ghosts: Yep
Cat or dog: Dog
Car: 2001 Ford Sport Trac and 2010 GMC Acadia
Dream car: Bugatti Veyron
Computer(s): iMAC 24", Lenovo T500 work laptop
Geek, artist, or both, or neither: Geek wanting to be artist
Deep dark secret: really want to develop games
Secret aspiration: Make sure my kids are set for their years to come
Interesting fact: played WoW since day one.
First Name: Lance
Nickname: None
Nationality: Canadian
Gender: Male
Age: 37
Religion: None
Family or relationship: Wife with 3 kids (2 year old boy/girl twins, 4 month old boy)
Profession: Business Process Analyst/Programmer
Greatest achievements: Personally: being a dad. Professionally: pulling off my first million $ development project
Fav music: Whatever sounds good
Fav music group or person: Megadeth
Listening to now: Random mix list of Pink Floyd, Slayer, Lamb of God, Gwen Stefani
Fav TV show: Chuck
Fav movie: Star Wars (IV - VI)
Fav food: Pizza
Fav drink: Starbucks
Fav alcoholic Beverage: Gibsons
Fav book: Any programming book
Favorite electronic game ever: Pong
Superman or Batman? Batman; Superman is _too_ good.
Rock star or billionaire: Billionaire; then _I_ can be Batman!
Believe in aliens: Yep
Believe in ghosts: Yep
Cat or dog: Dog, have two miniature schnauzers
Car: 2009 Dodge Grand Caravan - almost all the luxeries of home but no iMac option with GameSalad installed
Dream car: Diablo
Computer(s): Lost count but after cleaning the garage my wife is happy that I am down to the one iMac and two computers and a laptop in a pine tree
Geek, artist, or both, or neither: Both
Deep dark secret: Contemplated holding down an honest job
Secret aspiration: Recording an EP
Interesting fact: Wow, can't think of anything. Doesn't say much about how uninteresting I really am, does it?
First Name: anthony
Nationality: grajirena
Gender: male
Age: 27
Religion: making things
Family or relationship: single
Profession: art
Greatest acheivements: figuring out what i wanted to do and doing it
Fav music: old time, indie folk, instrumental and electronic
Fav music group or person: karl blau
Listening to now: billy charles blanchard
Fav TV show: ted talks
Fav movie: i watch a lot of documentaries
Fav food: pizza
Fav drink: coffee
Fav alcoholic Beverage: coffee stout
Fav book: i love books, but i think my favorite are sketchbooks
Favorite electronic game ever: i don't know about ever, but machinarium is my current favorite
Superman or Batman? i don't know
Rock star or billionaire: billionaire
Believe in aliens: yes
Believe in ghosts: not in the kind that hide in old houses
Cat or dog: dog
Car: ford ranger
Dream car: probably a ford ranger
Computer(s): macbook
Geek, artist, or both, or neither: i'm trying for both
Deep dark secret: if i knew i would tell you
Secret aspiration: to find a way to support myself with the things i love doing
Interesting fact: i play the banjo