The Official GameSalad Manual Now Available!

Hello everyone!
OK, so maybe a sword isn't necessary. How about a book instead?
After weeks and months of hard work, our top-notch support team has just completed our Official GameSalad Manual. This manual is to help you get started with making your games, and introduces most of the basics. This will provide you with an overview of the layout and concepts used in GameSalad Creator.
We've even got separate versions for Mac and Windows users!
Download the Official GameSalad Manual:
Talk about good timing. I only started using GS day before yesterday...:)
I looked it over and wondered if it rendered my book obsolete. It doesn't seem so. This is a manual. It's different. It's lighter reading. There's a nice definition section. The manual is linear, which is a good way to learn the software. The layout is clean. Plus, it's a PDF. That's useful for Windows developers without an iOS device to view the app.
Nice work!
Although, what's with the crazy long download URLs?
Lump Apps and My Assets
"Essentially, iOS will automatically scale your images to the nearest of a set of pixel ratios:
For instance, if your image is 50x30 pixels, it will take up the same memory as a 64x64 image.
Any images with a size over 1028 pixels will automatically be scaled down to 1028. As a
result, if you have an image that is 130x20 pixels, you may wish to scale the one side down by
2 pixels, or it could take as much as 256x256."
Thank you
Don't worry, I still plan on using your guide. As you said, this is lighter reading and it doesn't seem to include as many advanced techniques.
It's good to see a Windows version tough.
First, thank you all for the positive feedback! It’s been a long-standing goal of ours to provide our users with more in-depth information on the ins and outs of the GameSalad Creator, and this Manual is another step in that direction.
Over the next several weeks and months, our Customer Support and Education teams will be reviewing what’s currently available in terms of instructional resources and also considering what else we’d like to tackle in terms of arming our developers with a deeper understanding of Creator.
Any feedback, comments, or suggestions you have are more than welcome and will be read by me (aka Puck, aka Jack Reed) and the rest of the team. As always, the best way to get a hold of us is through the Contact Support form.
Also, if you guys spot any typos or factual errors, we’re always grateful for the corrections we receive.
Thanks again everyone and best of luck with your projects!
Technical Customer Support
"Essentially, iOS will automatically scale your images to the nearest of a set of pixel ratios:
16x16 32x32 64x64 128x128 256x256 512x512 1028x1028"
Should be 1024x1024 instead of 1028x1028, or?
It compliments Photics' manual, the difference between what and why.
But am I wrong or both online help and manual miss simple but important section like "Operators" where I can read how to divide by modulo, concat two strings, etc.
Should be not too hard to add but very useful for beginners like me.