Ways to improve the GS Mac Creator and Workflow
I've been using GS for over 3 years now and I get into autopilot mode where I'm not really thinking about what features could be added to the creator to make workflow easier - kinda' like driving the same car, you're so accustomed to driving it, you don't think about what's missing.
I started thinking about it, and a few things that come to mind would be:
Expand all button for the many "otherwise" rules so you don't have to expand them one by one
Search Button or "Keywords" button so you can find rules or items that are lost in the mix
What features would everyone like to see added or improved to enhance workflow and usability?
I started thinking about it, and a few things that come to mind would be:
Expand all button for the many "otherwise" rules so you don't have to expand them one by one
Search Button or "Keywords" button so you can find rules or items that are lost in the mix
What features would everyone like to see added or improved to enhance workflow and usability?
- Alex
I'd also love persisten menus, so if I click on scene, layers and expand a layer, go into an actor, when I come out of the actor, I want to be looking at the screen as I left it, not have it reset back to default.
I also want to be able to break the scene viewer away so I can keep an eye on the scene, but edit an actor at the same time.
Oh, and folders for images
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AND #11 is a MUST!!
Great list guys!
1. Move the resizing circles of an actor outside the actor boundaries, because it's a real pain to move small actors as it is now
2. I'd also like to be able to move an actor around in a scene without it's sizes attributes to become unlocked.
3. And since I would have needed it in a game I'm making, I would like an expression editor in the play sound behavior to choose the played sound by code.
4. And since we're talking about workflow what could ease our work more than an expression editor also on the left part of a rule?
5. It has already been mentioned but a +1 to the otherwise section to become highlighted in some way to tell us there's a rule in there. I spent countless hour debugging projects just to find out that the problem was in an otherwise section.
6. This may look pointless, but since I'm a perfectionist I would like the newly placed actors to be on integers positions, it's tiresome to open all the actors to correct all those hideous decimals
- Alex
2) I'd like a zoom on canvas option... I'm on a laptop and hate not being able to see the entire workspace for an iPad.
3) Also, look to the thread about the Windows UI, and consider changing it before you bring it to Mac.
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A solution would be to reset the condition to a null state once the process reach the end of the rule.
thats definitely a positive. grid support would be lovely.
sounds referenced by variable is a necessity.
having a zoom % on the editor interface would be nice -- even something like 50%,100%,200%. Larger scenes can be hard to work with, and smaller scenes can be really difficult to work with if moving small actors.
I'd like to make my own folders for attributes -- the way they are organized right now is a pain. It would be nice to be able to drag+drop to rearrange them.
I'd like to make many folders for my graphics and sounds, as well.
Snap to grid
Custom code
Folders for graphics
to move more then one actor at a time
Show x and y on screen you have no idea how long it took me to get the exact position I want for the accelerate toward behavior
2. Having the ability to edit one behavior in a instance instead of have to unlock the hole thing
3. Combining projects
Also, I agree with everything else that has been said.
I like a few of the suggestions but lurve the majority. :-) It'd be like Christmas had come early if we had most of these things pretty quickly!
A couple or some to add:
Remembering the resized Expression Editor when going back and opening it again; and why not make all the other Expression Editors for the other actors the same... change one, changes all of them... same with the Attribute browsers... OK, if not change one, change all, at least remember that they've been resized..
Make the max. type size in Display Type at least double the 100 it is at the moment (personally, I'd love 3 or 4 times the size, needed for a multimedia project I'm doing...slowly...)
Ability to constrict length of line and/or max. amount of lines typed into the Keyboard behaviour, including ability to adjust the size of the field where you type, when this behaviour is "active".... if I've explained that clearly enough...
An easier way to implement Save and Load Behaviours ... I mean perhaps a way of defining automatic Save behaviours made based on the Load Behaviours made.... would save a lot of time if there are tons of them... perhaps this would be relatively painless to do if the Save behaviours had a drop down box, where the actor could be selected that would "take" the Load Attribute based on the Save Attribute.
Great as has been suggested: to be able to see a selected Actor's Editor window with amendable attributes at least, while still in the Scene Editor– but rather than a floating detached window, just a disclosure arrow for the attributes to slide out/slide in extra attached window. (There's a name for that particular GUI function for the Mac, isn't there, but I can't remember what it is...)
Have the name of the running scene under the large preview screen back again (i.e between the preview scene and the scene thumbnails). It was there, then went, then came back again, now gone again...
As well as 100 and 50, have 75% reduction in the Preview Window
I think it was @tshirtbooth suggested in another thread: to have custom behaviours appear in any new project; great idea, I think; a refinement perhaps, have Develop added to the main GSC menu bar (or as a drop down menu to the actual GSC main indow, or in another tab on the Home page): a list of all our own custom behaviours which can be ticked or unticked to load with anew game file... These personal lists of custom behaviours would grow the more we added to them and could get a bit messy after a while, so perhaps when quitting the game file, a dialog/action box pops up asking which custom behaviours we'd like to add to our own custom behaviour library...
Don't know if the screenshots are deleted now automatically when we publish? If not, that'd save some time and hassle.
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Hope you add it soon!