game-editor. Any experience compared to gamesalad?

has anyone compared game-editor to gamesalad? It doesnt seem to have physics but
they claim now to have iphone/ipad support. Compared to corona it looks like it has a
editor to build your games. They claim to have small executables and fast engine, font system,
scrollable backgrounds and so on. (
I found the iphone support in their forum. Any experience?
has anyone compared game-editor to gamesalad? It doesnt seem to have physics but
they claim now to have iphone/ipad support. Compared to corona it looks like it has a
editor to build your games. They claim to have small executables and fast engine, font system,
scrollable backgrounds and so on. (
I found the iphone support in their forum. Any experience?
I prayed for a good iPhone port but that was over a year ago when he decided to go open source. I'm glad someone took the reins, I'd like to get my hands on a beta to see how it performs!
License is similar to GS, but this is now cross platform and mobile compatible.
I'm still sticking with GS and like someone said before, competition is always good...but please Gendai...don't make us wait too long. ;^)