My atribute bounciness don't accept fracionate numbers!!!
My actors do not stop to bounce, because the numbers don't fracionate ( ex: 0,1)
Anyone knowns this problem and his solution?
Thanks everybody!
Anyone knowns this problem and his solution?
Thanks everybody!
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but i already did that. When i fracionate the number ( not just the bounciness, every parameter ) Do not function, it's like a 0 value. I did try with gravity and with accelerate...Same thing...
It's normal happens in win creator?
Some help?
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Can you post a screenshot of your rules ?
Decimals in GameSalad Creator are going to need a period (.) between digits.
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Lump Apps and My Assets
My floor don't have bounce ( 0). My actor ( falling ) have a 1 value. If i put 0,9 or 0.9 ( 0.9 his accept ), the actor just don't bounce. If i change the values between this actors, the same occurs. The GS accept decimals with POINT ( BRASIL ) subdividing, but do not work.
Ty guys by the support.
Lump Apps and My Assets
If you want see the project. It is in KICKSTARTER. " UGLY BABIES ".
Better yet, post screenshots of your rules and possibly your actor attributes.
New to GameSalad? (FAQs) | Tutorials | Templates | Greenleaf Games | Educator & Certified GameSalad User
I don't know how to put a image here, but my problem is very simple.
Actor 1 - ( a simple square falling with accelerate = 200 )
density = 1
friction = 3
bouciness = 0
Actor 2 - (floor colide)
density = 1
friction = 3
bouciness = 1
* In this case, the Actor 1 dont stop to bounce, it kicks and get back to the inicial high and fall again. Never stops. I also tried with gravity. Same thing...
If i change the values between the actors bounciness ( 1 and 0 ) , happens the same. Now...if i put 0.99 or any decimals in any bounciness ( with coma or dot ), it no kicks anymore. Do not bounce...
Thats my problem since i installed GS about 5 mouths ago, and i have installed it and updated many times before.
Help me GS.
Link to Kickstarter:
To create sig, go to your profile page and click the little icon just above, and to the left of your forum avatar, it looks like a silhouette of a head and shoulders. Then click "Edit Forum Profile" and on the right again under your forum avatar, click "Signature Settings" and put a link to your Kickstarter in there, please. Now it will be at the bottom of all your posts!
Good luck with your game!
New to GameSalad? (FAQs) | Tutorials | Templates | Greenleaf Games | Educator & Certified GameSalad User
I suspect: "dont stop to bounce" = "It doesn't stop bouncing". When I enter values smaller than 1 it still bounces fine for me ?
For example here is 0.6:
Sry about my english please
. . . so we can look at the problem.
Works ok for me.
When I play this ('bounciness' is 1) - the ball bounces forever (it does not stop).
When I change the ball's 'bounciness' to 0.5 - the ball bounces, but after 4 or 5 bounces it stops.
All looks ok to me ?
May be a current problem with a Win 7 ?
Oh God... I'm adapting the playability because this...
I wish the GS team solve this problem.
Ty brow. You have a new brasilian friend now!
Ask someone who uses Win 7 to open this project on their computer - and then change the bounciness to 0.5 - to see if it works ok for them.
Did you find out about this? I just downloaded Gamesalad for windows, and seem to have the same problem as you did