Just went Pro - APK will not install
I downloaded my unsigned APK and when i try to install it on my Android tablet it says "Application not installed" and nothing else.
Does anyone have any idea why this won't work? Did I just blow $300?
Does anyone have any idea why this won't work? Did I just blow $300?
Email yourself the apk, and then run it. It should work; it worked for me.
Hope this helps
thank you
He's already got it
He figured it out, though!
(I don't know why this thread was bumped
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It's good that Shaun got the issue solved however I am having the same problem. I have created my app signed it in publishing using a correctly created keystore and get a nice "success" window in GS upon completion however when I try to install it on my Android device it goes throughout the whole installation process before erring "Application Not Installed"...
I have the latest JDk, Android Tools and Gamesalad Pro Membership...
Any advice? I would be happy to send the .apk if you want to try it.