Fast For Loop - A collection from the community merged into a single really really fast loop.
Hey all,
Finally found a reason to get my web site up and running. This is the first post.
The Fast For Loop is the result of extensive testing with a collection of projects, examples, and ideas from members of the GameSalad community. I was originally in need of a loop when I came across what is called the Fisher-Yates shuffle, which is a highly efficient way of randomizing large data sets (especially in GameSalad). I originally completed my Fisher-Yates for GameSalad about 6 months ago using the timeStamp loop method. The result was more than acceptable for my use, thus completing my work with loops.
I recently revisited loops as my interest was re-sparked from the final pages of the Timers are for chumps thread. In the end, The Fast For Loop was spawned from that thread, with the majority of the credit belonging to members @tatiang for his "Study of Loops" project, @RThurman for the OldTime loop method, and @Socks for the idea of duplicating instructions.
Check it out here
Finally found a reason to get my web site up and running. This is the first post.
The Fast For Loop is the result of extensive testing with a collection of projects, examples, and ideas from members of the GameSalad community. I was originally in need of a loop when I came across what is called the Fisher-Yates shuffle, which is a highly efficient way of randomizing large data sets (especially in GameSalad). I originally completed my Fisher-Yates for GameSalad about 6 months ago using the timeStamp loop method. The result was more than acceptable for my use, thus completing my work with loops.
I recently revisited loops as my interest was re-sparked from the final pages of the Timers are for chumps thread. In the end, The Fast For Loop was spawned from that thread, with the majority of the credit belonging to members @tatiang for his "Study of Loops" project, @RThurman for the OldTime loop method, and @Socks for the idea of duplicating instructions.
Check it out here
Cheers for posting this ! How does this stack up against @domenius ' HyperLoops™ ? I suspect one system will be ideal for certain set ups while the other will be much more useful in others ?
I think we need a LoopOff, the big players in the Loop business going head to head. FastForLoop™ vs HyperLoops™
I just feel sorry for poor old GameSalad's timer, poor thing's been left for dead !
: )
- Thomas
Okay so here's what this reminds me of (remove the $ symbol):
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*minutes. But it had time to go get coffee and read the newspaper.
Oh and don't tell anyone but that was the Preview timing... device timing was "unavailable at press time."
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Poor old 'timer' I actually feel sorry for it, someone should take it out into a field and shoot the poor thing, put it out of its misery.
I hear they make glue from old behaviours.
As a sidenote for those comparing this method of looping to HyperLoops, it is entirely possible that the fastest way to loop is to combine the two methods. If you duplicated your code within a HyperLoop as presented here and then tracked iterations using the same variables for both methods, you could take advantage of both systems. I think I'm going to toy with this idea today and post some results later. I always need faster ways to loop!
Yep, you basically want to make sure your instruction set is complete before duplicating; but that being said, the beauty of this loop is that is plug and play. It'll run with 1 instruction set or 20. You can have 2 sets in part 1 and 8 sets in part 2. You never have to modify the loop structure itself or change any attributes, just copy and paste your instructions to change the speed.
One little issue I found, but I'm not sure if its related to the loop or my logic. Basicly I have it change some x and y values on each iteration, then spawn an actor at that location. Over in that actor, it checks its position, and will assign an image to itself dependent upon the position. This works great, until I try to add any behavior that takes time to happen. For example. I try to fade the actor in by interpolating from alpha 0 to alpha 1. The first two actors stay transparent, until the rest fill in, and then they jump to alpha 1. It's as if the first two have lagged behind.
So I'm just wondering if this is a problem with the FastForLoop, or my logic. And if its my logic, feel free to gun me down for hijacking post and I'll start a new thread.
It seems I needed to change another timer which was causing the slowing.
Two ways:
Option #1
If I don't really care about the speed, and I just want clean code that's easy to debug - this works with Actions or Behaviors and is reasonably quick for small data sets.
Timer - For 0s:
- (your loop body inside the timer)
Option #2
Hyper Fast
Slightly less clean, but still very simple, however only works with Actions - not Behaviors - this is probably a simplified version of what I see other people posting:
Create a control variable, let's say "Iterate" as type Boolean
Rule: Iterate = true
- (your code here - remember, Actions only! No behaviors)
- Change Attribute Iterate = False # Must always be last instruction inside the loop body.
- Change Attribute Iterate = true
The reason Actions only works is because Actions all happen inside the current animation frame, whereas Behaviors operate over time - therefor all actions can happen inside the single loop pass, but Behaviors will get cut off and not be able to finish.
Also, I can't get the Iterate loop to work. It just stays at counter=1. Can you post a demo?
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Ok, I've just seen the light. ORBZ example is missing one key element. A rule is required in the "otherwise" so the loop isn't initialized at scene start.
Like so:
Here's a better version where you only need to manage 1 switch instead of 2. Just set the index to 0 < index < ceil to start/re-start the loop:
Rule iterate = true
- do stuff
- iterate = false
Rule iterate = false
- iterate = true
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New to GameSalad? (FAQs) | Tutorials | Templates | Greenleaf Games | Educator & Certified GameSalad User
Here's the project file:
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I see that the example I gave doesn't work. That's strange, it used to work... ohwel.
I looked over the examples you gave in your link. The problem with a lot of those "fast" examples is that they cheat. They don't really measure the speed of the loop, instead they do parallel work inside the loop body by incrementing the counter two or more times inside the loop body. That creates skewed results since you are no longer measuring the raw performance of a loop execution. So far I can't see anything faster and easier to maintain than an Every0 loop.
Attached is a simple parallel processor that is super fast, way faster than the other examples I've seen, but not very practical. I'd stick with Every0 for everything but the most speed critical needs. It's just going to be much simpler to maintain your codebase. Furthermore it seems that CodeWizard is going to optimize timers at some point in the future so therefor Every0 should gain speed boost without you having to change your code to take advantage of it.
Still, if your curious, here is a super fast way to do scalable parallelism to break the problem into smaller workers.
Updated Parallel processor to be even faster... See post further down for attachment.
Insanofast Parallel Processor v2 -- not really practical, but insane quick.
Yep, that's fast. I think you've sealed the deal on making stuff happen as quickly as possible in GS.
I've found that after using these very fast loops in real projects, no more than 2 rules per iteration is really required. A tenth of a second to shuffle 50 values in my table should be quick enough.
The FastForLoop is good to grind out a chuck of stuff in 1 go; however, if you need a continuous efficient loop that wont bog down framerate, I'd go with the SimpleLoop or AutomagicLoop examples I posted earlier... they're not based on time.
Where are you placing this reset and when does it fire?
But just an FYI, I am having great results using two FastForLoops in tandem on the newest nightly build. I am not noticing any slowing and the loops are moving pretty quick. I am running 180 iterations of two loops every 2 seconds, another 320 every 2 seconds, and 80 every 2-3 seconds. All in all I am using 11 loops currently to move stepwise through 3 tables (I am running an unsupervised neural network) and trying to stay behind garbage collection. Ultimately I will have to run 12-14 loops and these last 1-3 loops will be telling insofar as they will have to run the most dynamically of all my loops. Regardless, thanks for your work! It has allowed me to really take my project to a serious level.