help with publishing to create a file to send to friend
can someone please walk me through how to create a file I can send to a friend containing my app.
I have done this in the past but the process has changed and I am at a loss. I really need to do this - so please any help?
I have done this in the past but the process has changed and I am at a loss. I really need to do this - so please any help?
We created a video tutorial not too long ago - Hope it helps.
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My GameSalad Academy Courses! ◦ Check out my quality templates! ◦ Add me on Skype: braydon_sfx
i need to send the app i made to a friend. previously gs made me a file and sent this to my computer, which i could then send on attached to an email. i need to know if this is still possible?
a fast way to share a game with a friend for Mac play:
open your project in GS
Publish … to Macintosh
and click through the Publish screens
(you will need to add a 512x512 icon and a 1280x800 screenshot
…you will probably want the icon … if not it can be a transparent png in the correctSize
… and the screenShot can be a transparent png in the correctSize)
-leave the Publish to app store … unchecked
-do not have full-screen … unless you want that (Advanced Options)
GS will build and give you back a running app for desktop
that will open in the platformSize (iPhone; iPad; whatever) you chose
(don't fret the touch input also respond to the mouse click)
email (compress/zip if largeSize) the app to your friend for their play on a Mac
=======please help!=======