How do I test multitouch on a Mac?
Hello fellow GameSaladdudes and -Dudettes (or so),
Planning a game with GameSalad at the moment. After detecting 1 to 5 fingers touches a tablet or smartphone (IOS) an actor 'glued' to that specific finger and will follow it and disappears after release.
But how do I test the Multitouching part on a Mac Air? Could I pre-test on a device without submitting it for publishing?
Thanx, for all your support!
The Netherlands
Planning a game with GameSalad at the moment. After detecting 1 to 5 fingers touches a tablet or smartphone (IOS) an actor 'glued' to that specific finger and will follow it and disappears after release.
But how do I test the Multitouching part on a Mac Air? Could I pre-test on a device without submitting it for publishing?
Thanx, for all your support!
The Netherlands
Yes you can pre-test by using the GameSalad viewer or a test flight connected up to an external device.
Information on testflight is here:
Information on GameSalad viewer is available here;
Hope this helps - Good luck.
Or follow the above advice, basically you have to sign up to be a dev ($100) and that gives you access to put stuff on your device. Your not actually publishing anything to the stores, but GameSalad does require you to publish your game, hence the publish button. It just runs through the server and gives you your package. Which pretty cool.
Then use test flight which the info is found in the above links.
Hope that helps
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@elfizim promise to you: if I buy a touchscreen Windows computer you'll get my car