Save / Load Keys - Anyone else having issues?

DigiChainDigiChain Member, PRO Posts: 1,288
I'm having really unpredictable results with Save / Load Keys right now. Basically saving a bunch of attributes and then trying to reload them when restarting the game - results are really unpredictable.

Its something I've done successfully many times before with my previous games but I'm at a loss this time.
Is anyone else having issues?


  • DigiChainDigiChain Member, PRO Posts: 1,288

    I have a number of attributes, each save to a KEY with the same name.

    However, on Loading each KEY back to the attribute they all seem to take their value from just one Key (regardless of which KEY is specified). I've rebuilt the whole thing without copy/pasting Load Attribute functions etc and still no luck.

    I have a corrupt project perhaps??
  • EbreezeEbreeze Member, PRO Posts: 481
    Yeah I see weird result too...
  • DigiChainDigiChain Member, PRO Posts: 1,288
    Yeah - it does seem to be bugged. I've gone back to an old version and started rebuilding, testing after each time I add a Save/Load Key. It seems to work fine most of the time - but other times the project seems to corrupt!

    I'm just saving as I go and when things corrupt go back to a previous version and try again. Not good.
  • UtopianGamesUtopianGames Member Posts: 5,692
    Best to use tables if you have several or more save/loads imo.

  • DigiChainDigiChain Member, PRO Posts: 1,288
    @DeepBlueApps - true, but I've already built it this way now. In future i'll get my head around tables properly and go that route.

    I've rebuilt it and it seems to working now. There is definitely a bug in the system with Save/Load though!
  • UtopianGamesUtopianGames Member Posts: 5,692
    edited April 2013
    Yeah seems there's a few bugs with the new version but with tables you can just save the table and bang everything is saved so it's a lot better and if you ever want to reset the game to its original state (clear all data) just make a copy of the table or duplicate the original and then copy it back.

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