SlickZeroHouston, TexasMember, Sous ChefPosts: 2,870
You can use 3D images rendered out to .png's. In order to animate them you would need a series of images in a progressive state in each image, and then animate the images within GameSalad.
I've only ever used a couple of 3D applications (LightWave & C4D), so can't really comment on which on is the best out of the numerous applications out there, I only use C4D because that's what I learnt, but if we are talking rotating bananas and apples then even the most rudimentary 3D software will be more than powerful enough to do the job.
Like @LyboTech says, Blender is very good - and it's free.
Yep, like @SlickZero say, the best approach would be to animate some rotating fruit outside of GameSalad then import these as an image sequence.
Here's a quick example:
Thanks. What software do you use to create the image?
Like @LyboTech says, Blender is very good - and it's free. That's the rare polyfruit.