What's wrong with this game?
Hi All
Just wanted to know your feedback about Rescue Aliens ?
We ( me and my wife ) have worked on our first game for over a year now and have put in a lot into this game.
This being our first experience, we are currently unsure why our game has gone almost unnoticed in GameSalad.
It would be extremely helpful if you give us any feedback/comments, no matter how harsh they are.
Its best to know where we stand when it comes to game development and whether we should continue with game/app dev at all.
Below is a trailer of the game, in-case you missed it.

Sincere Thanks to All
Just wanted to know your feedback about Rescue Aliens ?
We ( me and my wife ) have worked on our first game for over a year now and have put in a lot into this game.
This being our first experience, we are currently unsure why our game has gone almost unnoticed in GameSalad.
It would be extremely helpful if you give us any feedback/comments, no matter how harsh they are.
Its best to know where we stand when it comes to game development and whether we should continue with game/app dev at all.
Below is a trailer of the game, in-case you missed it.

Sincere Thanks to All
When you say your game "has gone almost unnoticed in GameSalad." Do you mean that it hasn't attained much interest within the Gamesalad community, or that it's not getting downloaded much in the app stores? If you mean the app stores then it's damn tricky getting your game downloaded a decent number of times, it's down to a combination of quality, luck, exposure and plenty of other things, all you can do is keep trying to get it noticed.
If you mean that it's not being noticed in these forums, maybe you've kept it too quiet? I haven't been on these forums for 4 or 5 days now but I've never heard of your game until today. Even though you've been working on it for a year, nobody will know unless you keep mentioning it, posting screenshots, asking for opinion, etc.
It looks like a good game though, I hope things start picking up for you guys!
Being absolute noobs to this situation, we were both just extremely worried if there is anything wrong with the game.
My wife is a graphic designer, and I used to be a software team lead till same time last year, when I was made redundant.
Since then, we decided lets use our game playing experience and passion and start developing games. With zero experience, we knew we were taking a massive risk.
We dint expect to be app millionaires, but just expected to have a decent start so that we can go on making more games.
So far there is not much to talk about this game in terms of sales.
App store interest is a different ball game, but as long as the GS community has something to say about it, we will be more than happy.
We both know that the experience within this community is extremely valuable, hence we wanted to know if there is anything we can do to improve to this game to present it to the world.
Not just as a game, but a game built with GameSalad!
For a first game I gotta say its very impressive - Good job.
Then concept is pretty original and works very well.
Only thing that seems to be a tiny bit off, is that some of the graphic elements does not have the same style. Background vs level layout - But its minor details.
Next you should look into marketing to drive people to your app. There are many threads about this topic.
Overall you've done a great job.
The characters are cute, well drawn and easilly distiguishable.
The attention you gave to each level is tangeble and the interesting ways you implented the many different abbilities without confusing things is excelent.
Also, making levels relatively easy to complete to avoid frustration, yet making collecting all the stars hard as nails for the completionists is exactly the right mix.
Your passion shows, so stick with it!
But as @Wingmanapps says, marketing is as important as a polished game, it is part of the process.
(If I have to niggle, try to be consistent with your outlines, and be carefull when scaling art that the outlines dont get too fat.)
Again, I really enjoyed my playthrough.
In terms of sales and making a 'splash' by generating talk from GS or the game community I think that is a whole different ball game. It's really hard to get your game noticed these days and takes a lot more than just making a game and releasing it. Have you done much promotion, any press releases, considered doing any advertising? Sometimes games get lucky and get notice on their own but I don't think that is the norm at all anymore. If you really want to make a go of it, I think you'll just need to keep cranking out product as often as possible and over time the income from your library of games will hopefully add up, and perhaps you'll get lucky along the way with a smash hit!
http://jamie-cross.net/posts/ ✮ Udemy: Introduction to Mobile Games Development ✮ Learn Mobile Game Development in One Day Using Gamesalad ✮ My Patreon Page
Guru Video Channel | Lost Oasis Games | FRYING BACON STUDIOS
However, my rule of thumb is: a game selling itself on novel mechanics or nice graphics will only convert 2% of your free downloads into paying customers. Therefore you need to maximise your free downloads through marketing.
To increase the 2% conversion to 5% or more, you need to get the free players emotionally invested. For example, tie the levels together with a progressing storyline, making the player WANT to see what happens next.
What @FryingBaconStudios means by the "long game" is - dont get discouraged, make more games with the same passion. Soon you can cross promote your games and even review sites will be more likely to feature you.
Right now, try to make contact with other developers who are where you are now, and support each other by cross promotion of your games. Every little bit helps.
Guru Video Channel | Lost Oasis Games | FRYING BACON STUDIOS
Loved your idea of progressing storyline, will definitely start working on it ASAP.
Its always sooo good to get feedback :bz
1. Not much of a story line to it. Maybe add a general story line and have a couple cut scenes/comic strips here and there? I think that would definitely help
2. Another thing is the white border around some of the art, but not all. The art is great, don't get me wrong, but it gives the sense that it doesn't match whenever some art has a white border and some does not. I think the game would look a lot better if the artwork were more consistent. Still great art though! I'm impressed!
3. I may just be crazy on this one, but I also feel like the backgrounds are a little too vibrant. That may be the wrong word for this case, but generally I think that the in-game objects should be some what distinguished from the background. Maybe de-saturate the backgrounds a little bit, or add a slight blur? Just something to try.
Those are the only things I really thought of. Great game! Much respect for sticking yourself out there to get proper criticism. Takes guts!
We have added an initial storyline, but stitching a proper story is something which needs to happen from what we've gathered so far.
The backdrop issue varies for each world, for e.g. USA and Paris have a day setting, so most objects need to stand out a bit. But if you look at UK and China which is a night setting, the same objects can get a bit duller. But will fiddle around a bit more for sure.
Good Karma for you my friend
http://jamie-cross.net/posts/ ✮ Udemy: Introduction to Mobile Games Development ✮ Learn Mobile Game Development in One Day Using Gamesalad ✮ My Patreon Page
http://jamie-cross.net/posts/ ✮ Udemy: Introduction to Mobile Games Development ✮ Learn Mobile Game Development in One Day Using Gamesalad ✮ My Patreon Page
Its a logic based game and has some really mind bending levels, the more you explore, the more you will find that the levels become increasingly challenging. You can choose to clear the level with 0 to 3 stars, also you can finish levels in less than 10 secs or you can go over a minute and score low.
Have a look at Game Center for Rescue Aliens, and you can see how many players are going up in the LeaderBoards daily.
The aim of the game was to create a nice and entertaining game for all ages, a game which kids can enjoy, as well as adults can enjoy with their kids, young/old every one can have some fun finishing the same levels differently and explore more and more varied levels.
Hope you explore the game a bit more and have more fun, thanks for playing
Thanks for your constant support and feedback , Rescue Aliens has now reached over 17K downloads in iOS alone.
Google Play is still catching up
Thanks for all your reviews and ratings around the world.