The long and winding road.
Some people have misunderstood what the meaning of some of my comments are so let me try and clarify in detail.
Life is hard. This is true for all human beings, no one is exempt. We all face road blocks in life, the difference is in how we react and face those road blocks. The key to dreaming is to be mentally prepared beforehand in how to get through those obsticals. One need look no farther than two people Walt Disney and John Lassiter. How these men set about reaching their lofty goals is instructional and inspiring. Disney a man of very humble beginnings, dared to dream, yet he balanced those dreams with realistic ideals. Most people don't realize the Disney Company was broke most of the time. It wasn't until almost 20 years after it's establishment it made real money and started becoming the company we know today. Here is how Walt faced reality. Walt created the Mickey Mouse character but very early on Walt realized his art skills weren't great so he found and hired a man named UB Iwerks. UB drew and animated Mickey as we know him now. Walt never drew again once UB was hired. He knew his company needed more artistic talent than he could provide. As the studio grew the wives of the artists used to do the coloring of cells for free. When Walt wanted to make a feature length cartoon everyone told him he was crazy. The consensus from the experts in the movie business, including greats like MGM et.. Said he would fail. He ignored popular belief and trusted his gut and changed the animation world as we know it. Walt worked tirelessly putting in 70+ hours a week. He was ruthlessly demanding of himself and his employees.
John Lassiter has a similar story with Pixar. Most people don't know John was actually fired from Disney studios when he dared suggest they make a film using computer animation. This major blow to a man who idiolized Walt didn't deter him. He didn't complain or sulk, instead he met Ed Catmult and joined what we now know as Pixar. The key founders at Pixar labored for 20 years on their dreams in relative obsucurity. They pioneered computer animation software in an effort to overcome the hurtles need to create their vision. There we times John didn't leave his office for weeks sleeping under his desk! Toy Story was the product of 20 years of dedicated learning, experimenting and not accepting the idea something can't be done. When they faced a failure they worked harder and when another came along they worked twice as hard and when another came along they work three times as hard.
If you walked up to anyone who owns a successful business in any area of work and ask them how did you do it? You'll get the same story. They'll tell you we worked long relentless hours, we never accepted anything from ourselves other than our best and then some. It's good enough was never tolerated. We only hire the best most dedicated people. We crossed every T and dotted every I even if we didn't get much sleep. They will tell you they are their own toughest critic. They will tell you they looked at their failures as a learning opportunity and didn't sulk about it. These are people who choose to lead and not follow. They are daring and fearless and relentless, from Enstien, to Edision, to Steve Jobs to Bill Gates to Mark Zuckerburg. These people all posses these personality traits. Ask yourself how were the people perceived? Steve Jobs is famous for being considered a class A jerk, yet if you read his biography the people who worked for him said if it wasn't for Steve pushing me I never would have discovered how much I could possible achieve. Walt as well was known for his demanding nature and the same is said about him by his employees. such is the case with Bill Gates who at one time was a hated man. Yet look what the guy accomplished! What do the three have in common, Walt, Steve, Bill? They didn't care what the perception was of them, what mattered to them were the results. These men all had a very real understanding of what it takes to reach a dream and they were ready and determined to pay the price to climb that mountain. This is why only 1% of the population makes a million or more. Not because it is some kind of special club but because few people have the rugged determination to cast aside what others think and make the sacrifices needed to get there. Anyone can climb the mountain all you have to do is learn to push yourself when your muscles hurt and burn. You have to keep telling yourself, I can make it to the top if I don't quit when things look hopeless. I can't rely on others, I must own my destiny and do what needs to be done.
Anyone right now reading this can achieve! But first one must realize there is a price to be paid. You must prepare yourself for the marathon ahead and understand there WILL be moments of hopelessness and frustration and failure. Armed with the mental awareness of the reality of the inevitable you will be able to encourage yourself to keep going even when others are say to throw in the towel. To keep going when it seems you can't pay the bills. To keep going when all looks bleak. To have the toughness to constantly demand the best from yourself. When you are dreaming there is no Boss to tell you hey do better and work harder. Only you can do that for you! There are no overnight success. The path of dreaming is littered with beaten down discouraged people who tired and couldn't get past the tough climb who choose to give up and lost faith in themselves. I know many men who were never the same person after trying and failing at something because they weren't prepared for the realities. I firmly believe in dreaming and that anyone can achieve their dreams so longs as they are will to face the cost and difficulties that will be ahead.
Life is hard. This is true for all human beings, no one is exempt. We all face road blocks in life, the difference is in how we react and face those road blocks. The key to dreaming is to be mentally prepared beforehand in how to get through those obsticals. One need look no farther than two people Walt Disney and John Lassiter. How these men set about reaching their lofty goals is instructional and inspiring. Disney a man of very humble beginnings, dared to dream, yet he balanced those dreams with realistic ideals. Most people don't realize the Disney Company was broke most of the time. It wasn't until almost 20 years after it's establishment it made real money and started becoming the company we know today. Here is how Walt faced reality. Walt created the Mickey Mouse character but very early on Walt realized his art skills weren't great so he found and hired a man named UB Iwerks. UB drew and animated Mickey as we know him now. Walt never drew again once UB was hired. He knew his company needed more artistic talent than he could provide. As the studio grew the wives of the artists used to do the coloring of cells for free. When Walt wanted to make a feature length cartoon everyone told him he was crazy. The consensus from the experts in the movie business, including greats like MGM et.. Said he would fail. He ignored popular belief and trusted his gut and changed the animation world as we know it. Walt worked tirelessly putting in 70+ hours a week. He was ruthlessly demanding of himself and his employees.
John Lassiter has a similar story with Pixar. Most people don't know John was actually fired from Disney studios when he dared suggest they make a film using computer animation. This major blow to a man who idiolized Walt didn't deter him. He didn't complain or sulk, instead he met Ed Catmult and joined what we now know as Pixar. The key founders at Pixar labored for 20 years on their dreams in relative obsucurity. They pioneered computer animation software in an effort to overcome the hurtles need to create their vision. There we times John didn't leave his office for weeks sleeping under his desk! Toy Story was the product of 20 years of dedicated learning, experimenting and not accepting the idea something can't be done. When they faced a failure they worked harder and when another came along they worked twice as hard and when another came along they work three times as hard.
If you walked up to anyone who owns a successful business in any area of work and ask them how did you do it? You'll get the same story. They'll tell you we worked long relentless hours, we never accepted anything from ourselves other than our best and then some. It's good enough was never tolerated. We only hire the best most dedicated people. We crossed every T and dotted every I even if we didn't get much sleep. They will tell you they are their own toughest critic. They will tell you they looked at their failures as a learning opportunity and didn't sulk about it. These are people who choose to lead and not follow. They are daring and fearless and relentless, from Enstien, to Edision, to Steve Jobs to Bill Gates to Mark Zuckerburg. These people all posses these personality traits. Ask yourself how were the people perceived? Steve Jobs is famous for being considered a class A jerk, yet if you read his biography the people who worked for him said if it wasn't for Steve pushing me I never would have discovered how much I could possible achieve. Walt as well was known for his demanding nature and the same is said about him by his employees. such is the case with Bill Gates who at one time was a hated man. Yet look what the guy accomplished! What do the three have in common, Walt, Steve, Bill? They didn't care what the perception was of them, what mattered to them were the results. These men all had a very real understanding of what it takes to reach a dream and they were ready and determined to pay the price to climb that mountain. This is why only 1% of the population makes a million or more. Not because it is some kind of special club but because few people have the rugged determination to cast aside what others think and make the sacrifices needed to get there. Anyone can climb the mountain all you have to do is learn to push yourself when your muscles hurt and burn. You have to keep telling yourself, I can make it to the top if I don't quit when things look hopeless. I can't rely on others, I must own my destiny and do what needs to be done.
Anyone right now reading this can achieve! But first one must realize there is a price to be paid. You must prepare yourself for the marathon ahead and understand there WILL be moments of hopelessness and frustration and failure. Armed with the mental awareness of the reality of the inevitable you will be able to encourage yourself to keep going even when others are say to throw in the towel. To keep going when it seems you can't pay the bills. To keep going when all looks bleak. To have the toughness to constantly demand the best from yourself. When you are dreaming there is no Boss to tell you hey do better and work harder. Only you can do that for you! There are no overnight success. The path of dreaming is littered with beaten down discouraged people who tired and couldn't get past the tough climb who choose to give up and lost faith in themselves. I know many men who were never the same person after trying and failing at something because they weren't prepared for the realities. I firmly believe in dreaming and that anyone can achieve their dreams so longs as they are will to face the cost and difficulties that will be ahead.
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Guru Video Channel | Lost Oasis Games | FRYING BACON STUDIOS
For anyone struggling with anything in life, I would recommend watching some of my man C.J. Ortiz's videos. He's one hell of a motivator. Do not be turned off by the premise of Metal or his haircut. He is One of THE BEST.
@Artfish do you see the irony that just occured?
If a moderator feels the need to move this thread, no offence will be taken.
Guru Video Channel | Lost Oasis Games | FRYING BACON STUDIOS
Yes, on an epic level as well. ;;)
Well spoken Mr. Bacon. I could not agree more.
I don't think irony is the right word you're after, was just a friendly suggestion. We all have access to a public library and Atlas Shrugged. Just keeping gamesalad help forums in perspective, no need to be snarky.
As far as what transpired above, there was zero necessitation to facilitate something non-constructive and critical in a very constructive thread. I think the range of 'awesomes' speak for themselves.
But really blame Bugs Bunny I grew up watching and enjoying his sarcasm.
Guru Video Channel | Lost Oasis Games | FRYING BACON STUDIOS
It’s not a bug – it’s an undocumented feature
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