Any one know of some good (low priced) web designers?
Hi guys, I'm thinking about getting a professional website up and running but all the offers i have seen on line are taking away the chance to edit the web pages yourself and add more pages (they limit u to 4-8 web pages).
I im aiming to spend 100$-250$ (excluding/including hosting/domain)
I just need a BASIC site to be built to advertise my future good games I'm going to make.
It needs to have a space for my games
about me page
anyone knows of someone or sites which do this service?
I im aiming to spend 100$-250$ (excluding/including hosting/domain)
I just need a BASIC site to be built to advertise my future good games I'm going to make.
It needs to have a space for my games
about me page
anyone knows of someone or sites which do this service?
I could easily get a website done in iweb or another program. My problems are the Graphics and the layout of the pages (the style).
i'm quite happy to spend up to 250$ as long as i get a perfect site
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what i mean to do tho is have a personal site hopefully with AppChogie with whom im working with.
If you don't like my host, you'd have to get your own and add $100 to the cost of setup. If you're in New York, sales tax is added. I could build you a WordPress site just like that one. (Once it's set up, it's fairly easy to run yourself.) If you're interested, you can contact me from the link at the bottom of
I've been building websites since 1994.
i'm searching for a site like this one lemonblind is a GS user who has had his site done for 180$.
Im going to contact those web designers now and see the pricings for what i need.
If anyone else is interested in a basic website set up, you can email me from the link at the bottom of
I've done "html" work for People Magazine, The Associate Press and New York University, so I'm quite skilled. If you're serious about building a professional level website, you can check out my website.
Ha... and even if you're not interested in building a website right now, it's still OK to visit my website.
contact me at info at debugdesign dot com
I should be able to sort you out with the lot for $250
Hey, if u want, you can set up a simple site with iWeb thats what I did.
Then you can get a free .tk domain at
And then free hosting with drop box.
Here is what my site looks like:
hope it helps
I can post a video of how i did it if you want.
I make websites. And for you seeming as you helped me setting up game salad Ill do it for free.