exclude actors from scene wrap
trying to make an endless scrolling background and the scene wrap seems to be the best way but I have actors that I don´t want to use the wrap behaviour, is there a way to exclude them?
trying to make an endless scrolling background and the scene wrap seems to be the best way but I have actors that I don´t want to use the wrap behaviour, is there a way to exclude them?
there isn't, unfortunately.
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I don't think so.
Why do you want to exclude them could you explain a little more?
You could stop them moving out of the scene and wrapping mb?
If you want them on the scene but hidden until needed you could hide them off scene in the Y like -200 for eg if your using wrap X.
I have actors coming in from the righ side of the scene moving left but as soon as they touch the left side of the scene they wrap the scene, I want them to move off scene to the left and be destroyed.
What i did to get around this was not use the scene wrap. I just had the background and ground spawned just off screen to the left every 3 seconds (depending on the speed) to give the illusion of it being endless.
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What I did for that is similar to what you want I believe and I got round this problem by having the scene twice as large in the X so a 1024 scene for iPad became 2048 then you can place all sorts of actors in the hidden area to the right.
looking at it now. Would have been easier if the wrap behaviour wasn´t global but oh well
Just put an actor off the screen on the left side, and then when your actor that is moving across the screen, overlaps or collides with the actor off the screen, destroy the actor. Hope that makes sense.