Solved my Revmob ads problem
Just wanted to share this as it had me going crazy for the past week!
I couldn't understand why my Revmob ads were not showing on Android. This is probably giving away the fact that I am a bit of a Noob!!!
Basically I had to go into my Revmob account and select my app, then disable Banner, Link and Popup add types leaving only the Fullscreen option checked.
Then it all worked a treat
As many others have said, they will only kick in after 60 seconds of app usage.
Hope this helps someone avoid the hassle I've just been through.
Thanks for sharing!
Again thanks for sharing!
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@Strag i tried that but i didn't work for me
@Abdilatti Sorry to hear that....I know how irritating it is when things that should be easy just don't work! Keep plugging away!
@Abdilatti Just in case you are not you realise that you will have to publish from a Mac using RC v11 to get the Android ads to work. No windows versions are currently working. I'm lucky enough to have a Mac and PC so I converted my app from PC to Mac just at the publishing stage.
@strag Yes I have a Mac and I did what you told me, but for some strange reason it will not work. I disabled everything expect the fullscreen option and waitied 60sec but nothing showed up
Also are you aware it must not be the last scene in your game, if it is just create a blank page after it that will display for a second or so before going to the start screen.
so you mean that i need to make a new scene for the ad?
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Basically if your game has 3 scenes for example, listed scene1, scene2, scene3, and your change scene behaviour with Enable Advertisements checked is within scene 3, it will not work because scene 3 is the last scene (don't ask me why!!!)
To fix it, create a scene 4 which does not need to do anything, maybe just display a black screen for 1/2 second before changing to home screen.
If you do this the ad screen will display (only after app has been used for 1 minute or more)
Why i can't see revmob and charboost in publishing service tab. i'm pro user.
Is this something wrong about that?
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Wordgraphy / Polycolor / 20 Seconds / Minimal Maze
You need to publish from v11 using a Mac....not available for PC yet.
I'm using mac but I completely forgot v11. Thank you for answer.
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Wordgraphy / Polycolor / 20 Seconds / Minimal Maze
Hi, I don't quite understand. Do I have to add any extra behaviors in that extra scene? (such as another change scene?) Or is that scene just completely blank with no behaviors at all? And if I disable banner ads, how can I display banner ads in my game? Thanks!
On the last blank screen you would just have another change scene behaviour which would change to home screen after half a second or something.
Cheers, let me try that out. And do I have to enable advertisements in that change scene in the extra scene?
hi, i'm using it in few games and my result are really poor, so here there are someone that have earned only 1$ with RevMob?
But with GS we can use only RevMob Ad Unit "Full Screen", but there are others Ad Units like "Banner", "Link", "Popup" that could be useful for us, for example the Banner could be a great resource.
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Yes, hope can provide banner in android.
Thanks @AlvinF
we have only interstitial banner, is only one option, we need to use banner and link to improve the earns.
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This issue is becoming frustrating as far as ads showing consistently or even showing at all. I have tried all suggestions listed above in forum and thank you for the suggestions only to once again be dealing with Revmob ads failing to display on start up or interstitial.
I am getting rejections from apple because of apps displaying black screens as ads do not show and game itself even freezing at startup using Revmob Start Ads.
Has anyone had consistent ads in games and if so what tips can you provide if any at all or is this still issue with GameSalad unable to work out ads problems.
my experience with RevMob is only to Android Games...
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No, do not enable advertisements in that final scene.