Highscore problem.
Hello Developers im in another pickle at the moment with high scores. I have have made highscores working but im having trouble with the saving and other stuff. I made it so that when touch is pressed on a reset button, the score is set back to 0 to avoid the score not changing when reseting back to the previous scene. But when i get a high score it works fine. When i get a score lower than the high score it doesnt appear. what seems to be the problem? Im using the save attribute on the highscore btw. Should I make the highscore and scores display on another scene or is it ok in the same scene?
i always make a table for the highscore only. that way you can just save the table entirely and not have to worry about when to load the attribute. the "save table" behavior loads automatically
So what you're saying is, if you get a score that is HIGHER than your current highscore, it'll update and display it fine, BUT if you get a score that is LOWER Than the highscore, it won't display anything at all in the highscore field?! O.o
@anrew345 do you have a highscore attribute? if not make a highscore attribute its gonna be a integer. go into the actor that makes the score go up and say save attribute. and you will save the highscore attribute and save as any key it doesnt matter. i hope thats the answer to your question.
thats the only answer i would have
@jodymitoma Yes thats exactly what happens!
I think you have too much crap in your coding... I don't even know how to do that if I tried! Hahaha... sorry I cant help at thr moment - am at work.
Did you figure out what you were doing wrong?
No i havent