iOS Universal, or separate iPhone/iPad versions?
Hi, so one of my new projects is an iOS title. Is it better to publish for iOS Universal, or create separate iPhone/iPad versions? (PS, it's currently being developed in iPhone screen size).
Hi, so one of my new projects is an iOS title. Is it better to publish for iOS Universal, or create separate iPhone/iPad versions? (PS, it's currently being developed in iPhone screen size).
Honestly, before we had UB we HAD to develop two different project files, or at least publish with two separate files. Universal Binaries is the way to go: Develop once and forget publishing multiple times. It also saves TONS of time when having to do an update.
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Brilliant, thanks!
Also, it's nicer for your players
Dr. Sam Beckett never returned home...
I agree with @quantumsheep and @Braydon_SFX!
The only issue with building a UB is if you build a big game with lots of images for the IPad, it can slow down your game on the IPhone because of the image size...
Good Luck!