Is it possible to create a grid based game that is universal for iPhone, iPad and iPod?
I was wondering if it´s possible to create a gridbased game that is universal for iPhone, iPad & iPod with GS for mac?
these are the things I was thinking...
- a 6x7 grid
- 3 (or more) in a row
- 41 (different types of) bricks and 1 empty spot ("brick")
- the bricks can only move if they have the empty spot next to it (in any direction: up, down, left, right)
- the bricks shall fall down into place inside of the grid at the beginning of the game
thank you
You can select universal build when you publish. I think they recommend developing for iPad, then altering that for iPhone. You can use rules that check Device>screen>x (or y) to determine the size of the screen and make alterations on individual object sizes and positions.
There was an article on overscanning in the cookbook or manual, but I can't find it.
Yes it is possible but if you want to keep your. Dimensions right you have to use overscan.
It first matter what project size you start with you just need to study and pay attention to how each device is going to crop the screen off.
I started developing for the iPad first...I´ll look into it, about the rules and the check device, I mean. thanks
by the way is there any tutorials on how to create the grid, the falling bricks etc? i could´t find anything about that part