falling object action?
how do you multiple falling objects fall from the top? for example: if you touch an actor then it will spawn falling actors coming down. like raining down. thanks
how do you multiple falling objects fall from the top? for example: if you touch an actor then it will spawn falling actors coming down. like raining down. thanks
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thank bj
i really just meant spawing actors randomly by pressing an button
if touch is pressed spawn actor (for x) random((self.size.width/2),568-(self.size.width/2))
(for y) 320+(self.size.width/2)
This will make it spawn half the actor size above the screen and a random x position on screen.
Do you want it to spawn like this, or for it to spawn random actors on screen?
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somewhat, here is what i am trying to do. I have coin button and if you press it then many coins pop out of the button. But you have to keep tapping the button like in mario where he has to tap the blocks for coins..
Do these coins need to be coin actors or can they be particles?
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coins actors
also the i need the gravity to be real time because when i tried in preview the gravity is very light and they float
As someone has suggested, I never use gravity. Use move behavior going down. You can have better control of the speed falling down.