Unlock full game inside free game
Is there a way with gamesalad where I can have a free download of my game and if the user wants additional features they can unlock the full version for .99 cents within the free version. Or do I have to have two different copies of my game the free one and the full version one?
Not yet PRO but I have studied it already.
Set your ad in a rule that says:
When game.ShowAd is true
Then Show Ad
When IAP (In-app purchase), change game.ShowAd to false
Then your ads will be gone.
*There is an ongoing bug regarding IAP right now. I suggest going for the other method for the meantime.
You can with only one version.
With inapp purchase "non consumable"
Make an attribute call "full" Boolean,
In app purchase change attribute "full' to true.
If "full" is true .... The rule for complete unlock game.
Wouldn't this only work for the iPhone version. Doesn't Android not support in app purchases?
GS doesn't support android IAP as of yet.