how do I place my $ so that the number doesnt overlap it when it gets to big
Hello in my game I deal with money when the number gets to big it overlaps my $ how do I make it so that does not happen.
I have a feeling It has to due with Constrain and you just constrain it a certain distance away from the number but what happens if its like $10000 and jumps down to $--- ----1 how would you make it go $1
In Text Display open the Expression Editor and type with quotes "$"..yourAttribute If you want to use a space "$\32"..yourAttribute
To add more spaces just add more \32 i.e. "$\32\32\32" also for reference \n will give you a new line
Universal Binary Template - Universal Binary Template Instructions Rev 4 (Short) - Custom Score Display Template
Thanks answered my Question
. . .
. . . (for spaces) also hitting option+space works too.