Vector to angle function when using universal binary
hi i m building a game on ipad portrait scene and i m using the universal binary rule to make it work on iphone too ( where if the screen height is 586 the camer width will be change to 1024 and camera position x to -128 ) in my game i m throwing an object using the mouse or finger touch where the object follows the orientation of the touch .. the throwing function works fine on the ipad initial scene but when using the iphone display it becomes distorted the object does not follow the finger rather it keeps going at certain angulation, when i turned the universal binary function off it worked fine but of course the screen is cropped .. so i figure the problem is in the binary rule but i cant figure out the way to fix it any suggestions ?
You need to adjust your code for the change in screen size. Or just use stretch instead of adjustments.
Guru Video Channel | Lost Oasis Games | FRYING BACON STUDIOS
I used stretch .. it worked just fine thanks for the advice !
You're welcome. Now with the stretch feature making a universal app is easier. Stretch isn't always the perfect option but it's another tool in a slew of different methods to do universal.
Guru Video Channel | Lost Oasis Games | FRYING BACON STUDIOS