Anyone has the GS Viewer apk?
I have been trying to test my game on android with no luck. I am not a pro member so adhoc is no possible and I dont see any reason to pay for the membership while the software lacks simple features like this.
After testing I gathered the windows creator wouldnt connect to the latest viewer as the versions as different (WGSC and GSV
The viewer works with the mac creator as they are the same versions. I was wondering if anyone has the viewer version so I can start testing my game.
Would be much appreciated!
UPDATE: So I used the link below
to download the GSV . I still get gamesalad creator not found! any ideas? could be a router issue?
works for me. so check your browser settings
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@jigglybean thanks for the prompt response buddy! browser settings? what is it to do with that? could you kindly explain step by step what you do to get a preview on your device?
actually realised the fact that the viewers are only for MAC!
Pretty sure android viewer is compatible with a pc.
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@bjandthekatz well when i go to download it there are no links at the windows sections. I downloaded the android viewer and tried through usb and also wifi with no luck. There are no solid article or tutorial confirming that