Why are my actors moving?
I have two "life bar" actors, one is black and the other yellow. The black one sits in the BG so you can tell how much life you have left as the yellow one shrinks. The problem is, even though their size and placement within the game is EXACTLY the same, when I preview the game, they shift out of alignment slightly, making the black one visible to the left of the yellow one. I also noticed most of the other actors "jump" slightly when the game is launched too... it's only a tiny amount but it's enough to be noticeable and REALLY annoying.
I've tried adjusting the prototype and the actors in the scene... no luck.
Any ideas?
I've tried adjusting the prototype and the actors in the scene... no luck.
Any ideas?
I assume that their width is based on a global 'health' attribute? Is that attribute a real number or an integer? If it isn't, I would make that an integer to avoid half pixels.
Also, if at any time, the width of the health bar is an odd number, it will jump. This goes back to the centering in GS, odd pixels will get split, causing a blur or a jump.
On another note, my first level boss is simply AWESOME.... even if I do say so myself... MUAH HA HA HA HAAAAA!