Actors off-screen?
Hi again, all!
I'm building something where an actor spawns on one side of the screen, moves across, and disappears off the other side. There's no 'destroy actor' in there, it just rolls away and the next one rolls in.
My question is, how does GameSalad read something like that? Does it consider the actor destroyed once it moves out of a certain area? Or does it still register that there's an actor floating around out there somewhere?
I believe that gamesalad sees the actor as still in use. It would be best to make an actor outside of the camera's view that deletes the actor once it is out of the player's view. You could also make a rule saying when the actor's position x is (outside of screen) destroy actor. All you would have to do is find the position X that would be off screen. Hope this helps | Free Stuff
Once an actor goes beyond 500 pixels outside of the scene it is destroyed.
I always wonder why people don't simply test these ideas themselves ?
I believe it destroys itself after it's gone 500 past the edge of your screen.
It's partly why it's more difficult to get a scrolling background going on iPad - the first image needs to get to -512 before it wraps to the back, but it can only reach -500 and then it's gone :O
I did ask the team a couple of months ago to see if they could extend the destroy rule by just 12 pixels!
Any news on that @codemonkey ?
Dr. Sam Beckett never returned home...
Yeah that would be great if the limit was increased, creating an additional buffer zone right now is kind of a pain.
You just need to make the scene bigger.