How to reset a previous scene in another scene
Hey guys
I need help in reseting a scene from another scene . Ive tried making a boonlean attribute called reset and made it when actor 2 is pressed , it will change the scene to the previous scene and the background of that scene which is actor 1 , resets the scene . But heres the thing , when the scene resets , the stopwatch doesn't . Pls tellcme where i have gone wrong .
*tell me
You need to use change attribute "your attribute" for each global attribute that you want to have reset to it's original value for the scene in question.
ok so i have an integer attribute called stopwatch , the question is how do i reset it
change attribute to 0
simple behavior you trigger together with the scene reset
since your variables are not reset, except they are scene variables.
as @JSproject mentioned
My Apps
ok tks i juz realised how careless i was