how to spawn actor after actor has changed image
Hey guys ,
today i need help in making actor 1 spawn actor 2 . My actor 2 has the behaviours of when touch is pressed , it will drop to the ground and change its image to another one . For actor 1 , i gave it commands to spawn actor 2 only after it has collided with the ground , but when it spawns actor one , it spawns the new image actor 1 has become . I don't know where when wrong , pls help , lots of tks
I'm very confused. This is what I'm getting from what you wrote:
Actor 1
When colliding with ground, spawn actor 2
Actor 2
When touch is pressed, drop to the ground and change image to other image
Which actor is spawning actor 1... and when? Can you post screenshots of your rules?
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Actor 1 = spawn actor 2
Actor 2 = when touch is pressed drop to the ground and change image.
Actor 1 = when colliding with ground spawn actor 2. But when it spawns actor one , it spawns the new image actor 1 has become.
None of this makes much sense. What is spawning actor 1 ? You've made no mention of anything spawning actor 1. Nor have you mentioned how actor 1's image is changed ?
EDIT: basically what @tatiang said.
ok sorry for my english
heres wut im tryin to say ...
actor 1 = pot
actor 2 = pot spawner
When actor 1 is touched , it will accelerate to the ground and break ( by break i mean change image )
When actor 1 breaks , actor 2 will start to spawn actor 1 at a specific location .
But heres the prob , instead of spawning a brand new pot , it spawns the broken one .
Pls Help , Lots of tks , sorry though .
actor 1 = pot
actor 2 =pot spawner
That makes more sense - there is probably something wrong in the way you have it all set up . . . let me make a quick demo for you.
It shouldn't be spawning a broken version unless
Here's the basic idea - as you can see it's fairly strightforward, not sure where you might be having a problem, it's impossible to tell really as all you have done is describe the problem.
Yeah, agreed, it could be anything, if people just describe the problem and don't share the code that is causing the problem all we can do is guess.
OMG tks everyone , i just realised i was using animate no wonder ...
Tks @socks the most
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