Hey Wayne or James! Question? :D

Hey guys, or anybody else that could answer, I've been working on an Air Hockey Game for quite awhile now. I looked at how wayne set up his controls in his hockey template. While they worked flawlessly, I would like to not have them snap back to a certain position when they are released... Any thoughts? I'm basically using exactly what wayne did, but I removed the snap to rules and apparently, it doesn't work without it... Well it does, but not very well.. I've been modifying it for weeks now.. And to now apparent result... I've just been sitting here wasting my time.. *Sigh* James I also put you in the thread title because I know you were working on a two player multitouch game and was wondering if you could help because of your experience with this... Hey guys or anybody really, I really appreciate you taking your time to help, Thanks
I have a few multi player games.
What I did is use code monkeys joystick tutorial to make a very blank two player template as a start for all of them.
I used the scene with dual joysticks and just stripped them down to nothing except the touch rules. That way I had some blank actors that were two player ready.
However for hockey it is probably easier to just tinker withn waynes demo as it is already closer than anything I have done.
Hope it helps.
EDIT: Just realised, you'll have to implement moving the PADDLES back to a 'Safe' distance after a user scores a goal..
Thanks for your time guys!
Will let you know how it goes
If not, do explain the problem further.
I will post my version of air hockey with a little twist soon. I refactor the graphics and gameplay, but your example code was an excellent start. I want to mention your help in the my credits page. Which name I shall use? WayneH001?