Thank you for adding AdMob. Finally!
I'd just like to express my gratitude to the GS team for finally rolling this feature out.
If you haven't added adMob to your games, I suggest you add it quick. The results are fantastic. They are so much better than iAds by about 10 folds. Incredible. So far, I'm only using it on one game and only interstitial ads that only appears one time at each game level.
i agree its a step into the right direction but you compare banners with interstitials
also Chartboost interstitial are 10 times higher ecpm than iad.
now only the android banners have to be fixed..
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@BigDave what's better adMob or Chartboost? Also, does Chartboost still cause crashes like others had mentioned previously?
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@BigDave you're the man when it comes to ads!
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obviously on both the ecpm changes every day but i heard overall specially on iOS the ecpm on chartboost is higher then with admob also chartboost only shows game ads
and admob also shows ads of tool apps etc.
Which can be seen as negative or positive point.
Admob will be more likely to have an ad to be served while the CTR and IR (click through rate and Install rate) could be higher with chartboost because you have gaming players.
I am happy with chartboost no reason to change for me
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@BigDave very good insights there bro. I've never tried chartboost. I might look into it. I just don't want it to end up like stormclix or play haven or what not.
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I'd just like to express my gratitude to the GS team for finally rolling this feature out
That's one of the main reason that I've finally bought my Pro License an jump into GameSalad after 1 year of looking at it...
ECPM is always higher on iOS for both AdMob and Chartboost for me. Only "problem" with Chartboost is that you'll only make money per install and not per click.
@BigDave What ad company would you recommend for banner ads, for both Android and iOS? I am currently setting up banner ads in my game now.
Also, would ChartBoost interstitial ads work if I have banner ads in my game as well?
iOS = chartboost interstitals +iad banners
android = chartboost interstitals +admob banners
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