Putting animation into game
I have toon boom animate pro, I whipped this up there for fun.
Suppose I wanted to animate and idle pose, some attacks and so on. How could I put those into GS? Is it possible?
I'm just brainstorming and having some creative fun, idk how Good of a game I can make with GS but if I made anything I'd just want to make the buttons whack his sword or whatever. Baby steps :-)
Comments, advice any of that is much appreciated.
Also, GS is monthly paid now? I thought I could jus tr buy it with one purchase
I thought I put this pic in, but I guess it didn't work
heres a URL..
Simply render them off as separate image sequences (ideally .png files) and trigger them when and where they are needed within GameSalad. It's pretty straightforward.
Monthly or yearly, with no ongoing commitment needed, and two tiers, Basic and Pro, so pretty flexible.
worth it for that monthly price? I want to know I can make a really good worthwhile game later on. all the things ive seen when I look up GS games are really Really simple things, so am I expecting too much?
Hard to say, that would depend on your particular needs, personally I think it's a bargain, as someone else pointed out, you are essentially hiring a whole team to code for you.
How do you know what you are looking at ?
Here's how things used to work (until recently).
1) Free users must display the GameSalad logo/splash screen.
2) Paid users can use their own splash screen, and remove all GS branding.
3) People serious about development will more likely pay for their tools.
4) People serious about development will generally invest more time in their projects.
5) People serious about development will generally want to brand their apps under their own name rather than the SDK name.
So poorer quality GameSalad games tend to be branded with the GS logo, better quality games worked on for longer periods by more dedicated developers and teams tend to be branded with their own logos/branding.
The result is that - generally speaking - the poorer the quality of the game made with GameSalad, the more likely it is that it will be branded GS, with the better quality games having no obvious indication that they were made with GS.
This, over time, creates a feedback effect, with poor quality GS games somewhat (and unfairly) tainting GS's name, causing those with time invested in better quality projects to want to move further away from GS branding . . .
You can create stunning games with GameSalad, but most of that will be down to your own talent.
Nice illustrations by the way !!
thanks! :-) I wanted to at least get the point across, how it'd look in-game. though, im not sure how id wanna do it... I have the buttons set up like a hack and slash lol, but its 2d.
Any 2d fight games worth referencing?
I have a free trial, a week left, after that can I not use it at all? I can afford it, I just want to know ill be able to use it ;-)
Also, are there any games I can look at (the ones hiding from GS origins lol) so I can see some of its potential?
the bottom left is just an aura, in a full game youd be able to pick from others.
above that are defensive skills
bottom right is basic attack, 1 2 3 combo maybe *shrug
surrounded by 3 attack skills.
up top there will be a health bar
seems doable. just the way its all set up is random. but at this point, if I could demo it on my phone, push an attack button, and have a little animated guy come to life and attack with a sword, I'd lose my mind
I think your illustration style would translate very well to a 2D platformed, chopping and hacking your way to victory !
Unfortunately not, like most trial software you are locked out after the trial period.
Well, on the scale of usability it ranks very highly, perhaps the most accessible SDK, and not just because of the way GS works, with its drag and drop architecture but also because of the highly active forum, where you can ask just about any question and get an answer quickly.
Man walks into a guitar shop, points at a guitar: "Tell me, this guitar, are there any hit songs that I can listen to that were made with this guitar so I can see some of its potential?" (the potential is not in the tool . . . etc)
But seriously I can't think of anything off the top of my head, but there have been impressive games made with GS, maybe check out the Game of the Month threads, or something like Spooky Hooves . . . but the point here is that GS is capable of producing impressive games, it's a 2D engine, but many games that have appeared in the App Store top charts are well within GS's capabilities.
great info, Socks! You rock :-) thanks a ton!
yup! im at work right now and its super slow so im drawing the different screens and getting ideas
Like I say, all that's pretty straightforward - attached is a very quick and crude chopping motion . . . (I'm assuming you are running GS on a Mac?)
@Socks Ah yes, but maybe it should be more......
[runs off and copyrights SockWarrior™]
how smooth of an animation could i make it, though..? Like you said, it comes down to your skill, right ?
And i need each different frame uploaded into GS as its own separate image. from there i edit the speed and all that other biz?
oi ~.~
'smooth' is a non-technical and somewhat arbitrary terms, are you referring to frame rate ?
Yes !
like i said, what ive seen has been like, storyboarded looking animations. like character standing to immediately having their weapon out, for example.
the best example i can think of on the spot is Castle Crashers
animating in toom boom for example you can have one frame of the same picture, then two frames of the next pose. so id have to tweak it by adding in extra images in GS?
(trying to make sense)
(trying to make sense)
You can animate things in all sorts of ways within GameSalad, but I thought your question was about importing an animation ("putting animation into game") from an external application (like Toon Boom) ? If that the case then all you would need to do is export your animation sequence as a series of frames so you can play them back (and otherwise control them from within GameSalad.