iTunes Connect - is this normal?
I am trying to publish my first iOS app. I uploaded via the application loader and it went through ok. When I look at my app within iTunes Connect there are no builds listed under 'Versions' and under the second Tab 'Prerelease' I can see my build but it seems to be stuck processing. It has been like this for about a day.
Is this normal?
Should I wait or increment the app and try uploading again?
I'm wondering if there was a glitch uploading as it is not currently showing my app icon.
Any advice appreciated.
yes, it is normal. Wait. It should take couple of minutes.
This tab is where you can test with intern or extern testers. When it will be processed, you will be able to choose the build you want in the first tab (versions)
@stefdelec But it's been like this for about 24hrs that normal?
No... it's not normal for it to take that long. Normally it takes about 10 minutes for the Prerelease builds to be processed. I submitted an update for one of my apps earlier today, it's been "processing" for 9 hours. I'm not too happy about that.
I think I'm going to upload another version tonight as it's been 48hrs now.
I'm presuming that something has gone wrong during the upload but I'm fishing in the dark really.
It's a question of how long should you wait for this processing before cutting your losses and trying again?
Update; Just found this on Apple Forum, doesn't sound good:
Same here. Been on the phone with Apple for an hour today, they are looking into the issue, no solution yet though. Do your binaries include bitcode? Or on-demand-resources? Mine have 1.1GB ODR and bitcode disabled. I have builts with Xcode beta and GM, no difference. Sitting in "processing" for weeks, GM builds for 48 hours...
Mine was stuck for over a day once...went through Apple to only find out they will ask you to do all sorts of stupid crap to get it resolved..I eventualy made evruthing all new and as soon as I uploaded in to the new processed within a couple minutes.
So its not you...its apple...but really its Obamas fault. :-)
.> @strag said:
Complete Guide to iOS Publishing {} Complete Guide to Mac Publishing
Ha ha, thanks...
Well I'm glad to say I just checked and both the version I uploaded 48hrs ago and the one I uploaded 24hrs ago have finished processing. Not sure if this was because I raised it as a bug yesterday with Apple or whether the stars are aligned today!
Anyway it's a big relief.
Thanks again.