Just completed our first iOS app!
Just wanted to say a huge thank you to everyone who gave advice as I navigated the beast that is publishing for Apple!
Especially @Thunder_Child (your publishing tutorial helped enormously!)
Our app was accepted today and is now out there in the wide, wide world
It's called: The Bibblebobs - Captain Jim's Treasure - it's iPad only at the mo and has been about 9 months in the making.
Let the marketing begin!!!
Looks great !
Amazing detail, great job! Can't wait to see what you make next.
Ahhh. Gotta get the ol ipad out...made for ipad only. Do you plan on an iphone release soon...at all?
Im glad to see the tutorials helped you :-)
Complete Guide to iOS Publishing {} Complete Guide to Mac Publishing
Looks really nice. Good luck with it!
Mental Donkey Games
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Thank you everyone!
@Thunder_Child Yes I'm working on an iPhone version now. Eventually I will do a universal version but it looked so nice on the iPad that I didn't want to compromise the layout at all at this stage.
Fantastic! All the best with it ...
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Thanks @neoman
GZ.. Fantastic!!
@lucazedder Thank you!
Wowsers great art!
Guru Video Channel | Lost Oasis Games | FRYING BACON STUDIOS
@Lost_Oasis_Games Thank you. It's all created as 3D models and rendered. To be honest that was what took most of the time!
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